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Frage: betrayed
(6 Antworten)

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lesen im moment betrayed in der Schule und wirklich gut bin ich in englisch nicht und dann war ich auch noch ne weile krank gewesen und dachte jetzt ich könnte das nacharbeiten weil wir am dienstag schon die arbeit darüber schreiben, aber komme leider nicht
so recht weiter, kann mir jemand irgendwas zu dem buch sagen oder auch schicken oder so? egal ob übersetzung oder zusammenfassung oder irgendwas, hauptsache ich komme irgendwie witer und verhaue die Arbeit nicht.

danke und hoffe auf eure Antworten.
Frage von jess.88 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 07.05.2006 - 09:58

Antwort von GAST | 07.05.2006 - 10:06
wir sollten das auch mal lesen, habs nie gemacht, aber arbeit trotzdem recht gut abgeschnitten :)

nur leider sind meine ganzen englischaufzeichnungen vor 2 jahren im kamin verschwunden

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Antwort von jess.88 (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.05.2006 - 10:07
schade =(
aber hoffe das es noch mehr hier gelesen haben und irgendjemand mir helfen kann.

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Antwort von jess.88 (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.05.2006 - 10:58
och bitte leute lasst mich nciht hängen..

hats denn niemand gelesen?

Antwort von GAST | 07.05.2006 - 12:11
müssen das auch grade lesen. ich schreib dir ma ne zusammenfassung zu jedem chapter. rechtschreibfehler sind allerdings 100% dabei, habs nicht so mit´e zeiten^^
chapter 1:
Who? Thomas Walker,Mrs Walker,Mr Clay,Ralph,Bradley,Mr Miller
Where? Hartland School, England
When? In the afternoon
What? Thomas arrives at his new private school and there Mr Clay shows him his room and the school.But Thomas wouldn´t stay there.
Why? His parents live abroad.

chapter 2:
Who? John Clay,Mrs Winterton,Bradley,Mr Miller,Thomas,Ralph
Where? In the Lower and Upper Dormitory
When? In the evening at 10 o´clock/ after 10 o´clock/ after midnight
What? John Clay must goes to the older boys because they makes after 10 o´clock noises.The boys lought about Clay,but when Miller cames the boys go quickly to bed.After midnight two older boys go with a sack full of water in Thomas´ room and threw the sack onto Thomas,so the bed and he are wet. <-- treatment

chapter 3:
Who? Mr Clay,Mr Graham (headmaster),Peter Hansen
Where? In the dinning-room
When? After breakfast
What? After breakfast Mr Clay and Mr Graham makes a pupil-teacher meeting.the two teachers critic the pupils,because of the welcoming from the older pupils to the new with the treatment.After this Mr Clay talks with Mr HAnsan about Bradley and he tells Mr Clay,that nobody would say,that Bradley makes the treatment.Also Mr Hansan asks Ralph wheter he had seen Bradley in this night and told him,That he and Thomas will come to his room at afternoon.

chapter 4:
Who? Mr Clay,barceeper (an A-level English pupil),Bradley,Dexter,Thomas
Where? In the "Pub" (room where the pupils can go and drink soft-drinks and so on);Warren house (Thomas´ room)
When? At evening (between 7 and 10 o´clock)
What? Mr Clay goes by accident into the Pub and there he gets a beer from the barceeper,whether alcoholic drinks are forbidden.There he hears,that Bradley organizes the Pub.Also Bradley,Dexter and two other pupils go to Thomas room and wrack his room.When Mr Clay comes, he´s angry about Bradley and the other pupils.At the end,when the boys go out,he asks Thomas if he like Hartland and he invites Thomas to watches tv in his flat.

chapter 5:
Who? Peter Hansen,John Clay,Mr Bradley,Mr Richards (deputy headmaster)
Where? In Mr Clays´flat;In Mr Richards´office
When? -
What? Mr Clay and Mr Hansen talk in Clays´flat about the previous evening.Also Mr Bradley comes to Mr Richards and they talk about Bradley and the money which Bradley gets with the Pub and Mr Bradley invites Mr Richards to dinner with his wife at saturday.Then they talkes about the losed discipline at school and that Mr Graham´s methodes aren´t good.

chapter 6:
Who? Mr Hansen,Mr Graham,Braley,pupils;Mr Clay
When? -
Where? Drama room
What? The puplic inquiry has finally started.All the things Mr Hansen talkes about are contered by Bradley.The pupils are almost all on Bradley´s side.In time Mr Hansen become angry,because he´just not able to get Bradley.At the end of the inquiry Mr Graham tels that in future there will be a comitee that´s responsible for the Pub.

chapter 7+8: hab ich nicht

chapter 9:
Who? Mr Graham,School´s trustees
When? 4o´clock at aftenoon
Where? -
The school´s trustees are in school and Mr Graham talkes with them about the money from the school.Also that many parents are unhappy about the methodes from Mr Graham,that they fell better,when on school are stricter methodes and that then the school wouldn´t lose more pupils and so the school wouldn´t lose more money.

chapter 10:
Who? Mr Hansen,Mr Clay, Dexter,Bradley,a girl from town
When? After 8 o´clock
Where? At Dexter´s room
What? Mr Hansen and Mr Clay observs Dexter´s room and at quarter to eight they go to the room,because Thomas had told Mr Clay something.In Dexter´s room was a little private party and Mr Hansen and Mr Clay search the room and find a fridge full of ice-cream and Bradley explains that they sold the ice.also they saw a girl from town under the bed.Then Dexter take a plasic bag and run away. Bredley and the girl where still in the room.Bradley doesn´t tell where Dexter goes to.Then when Mr Hansen goes with the girl out of the room,because they want to go to Mr Graham,then Mr Clay beats Bradley on his head.

joo das wars dann.weiter sind wir noch nicht mit dem buch.hoffe mal das dir das ganze helfen wird...und viel glück für die arbeit

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Antwort von jess.88 (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.05.2006 - 12:47
danke schön tschisskababe
hatte die hoffnung schon aufgegeben, echt super, werde das jetzt drucken und dann mal alles in ruhe lesen und makieren und hoffe das es in der Arbeit (ohne buch) funktioniert. danke schön nochmal.

Antwort von GAST | 18.02.2008 - 16:35
boaaaaaaaaaaaah gut wir schreiben am mittwoch die arbeit....

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