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ENGLISCH brauche hilfeeeee

Frage: ENGLISCH brauche hilfeeeee
(23 Antworten)

The story is about a young girl called Susi who is going through puberty.

She is very sad and has a sad face because she has no friends.
Susi is on her way home and carries books in her hand. A girl (narrator) comes towards from another direction.
Suddenly a group of children comes up to Susi and shove her. Then her books are falling down.
The girl who has come towards helps Susi to get up.
She as oder were falling down.

kann mir jemand den text bitte schnell umstellen den komme nicht klar damit...

wäre echt sehr nettt von euch....

ich brauche es heute noch
GAST stellte diese Frage am 09.03.2006 - 21:23

Antwort von GAST | 09.03.2006 - 21:50
The story is about Susi, a girl who is going through puberty with a lot of sadness, which you also can see on her face. A reason for her sadness is, that she hasn`t got any friends.

While she is walking home she carries her books in her arm and another girl (narrator) is walking towards to her.
A group of children appeared suddenly, they shoved Susi and all her books felt down.

The girl, who came from the other direction, helped her to get up and felt down.

~~~~| Ich schätz mal im englischen Text waren auch schon Fehler: ich hoff ich konnte dir helfen.|~~~~

Antwort von GAST | 09.03.2006 - 21:51
@ mr 101: hast recht mit dem towards. der letzte satz stand da so und den hab ich auch nicht verstanden deswgwn hab ich ihn so gelassen.

Antwort von GAST | 09.03.2006 - 21:54
sollte es nun ein summary sein oder sollte man wirklich nur die Sätze umschreiben?

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