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Brauche dringend Hilfeeeee!

Frage: Brauche dringend Hilfeeeee!
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Hallo Leute!Ich habe am Mi ein Referat über Sydney, nun weis ich nicht ob es grammatikalisch stimmt. Es wäre sehr nett,wenn jemand es mir korrigieren würde! Danke scho mal...

Hier ist mein Referat:
Today I`m going to tell you something about Sydney.
Sydney is the most populous City in Australia. It is the capital of New South Wales, however many people believe that the capital of Australia is Sydney. Sydney is Australias economic, industrial and tourism centre. It has a popultion of about 4 million people,which makes it the biggest City in Australia.Sydney is a City on the east coast of Australia. The inhabitants are called Sydneysiders. The first inhabitants are called Aborigines. They lived in peace and in harmony with the natur until the whites came. When the explorers came to discover this place by 1770,the British government decided to sent fleets with the convicts to this place, and after that the Aborigines killed or murdered. Sydney was named after Lord Sydney, who was the british home secretary. The city began to grow in the 19th century with a lot of free settlers from Europe, California and China. Many of them were attractet by gold that was found in that area.
Now I will tell and show you some sights.
The Opera House
The Opera House is a reason for millions of tourists to visit this city.
It is the symbol of Sydney. The Opera house was built in 1952 to 1973.
It was designed by a danish architect joern Utzon. It is 183 m long and 120 m wide. Inside the Opera house there situated the world`s largest mechanical organ -> Orgel? Today it will be held at the Opera House and on the square in front of concerts, theater, performanes operas and so on.
The Harbour Bridge
An other attraction in Sydney is the Harbour Bridge. It is a Brige that joins north Sydney with south Sydney. People can across the bridge by car, walking or by train. The Bridge was built 59 m abouve the sea level. There is a tunnel that goes underneath the bridge. One of the many attractions of the Harbour Bridge is the famous "Bridge Climb". It is very famous and well-know around the world and it is also a world heritage site.
Taronga Zoo
The Zoo of Sydney is near to the coast of Sydney`s Harbour. It has a wonderful view over the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.Taronga is an Aboriginal word and means "beautiful view". In the zoo there are lot of animals from Asia, Ocenia, from the Amozon and the South America.

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Frage von birvarmisbiryokmus01 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 29.05.2012 - 19:50

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