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(57 Antworten)

so jetz können wir ja mal probieren obs klappt ;D

ab jetz darf in diesem thread nur noch english gepsorchen werden! ;D( ein thema könnt ihr euch aussuchen...^^)
GAST stellte diese Frage am 10.10.2005 - 21:35

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:10
i hate this guys from tokyo hotel.

i want to kill them.
woho wnts to kill them too?

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:10
hey... i have thought that we only speak english. ^^

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:13
hey, let"s plan an assassination attempt (attentat ^^) on them!
but maybe.. it"s funny to see these little chicks "scream" and get hysteric

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:14
yeah that´ right lostbutterfly. ^^
i want to throw a bomb on them (oder so. da versagt mein anglisch schon) ;-)

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:15
i get a mail. it isn"t in english, but you cann translate it... i"m to lazy ^^

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Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:15
they have to suffer! more than we are suffering under their "music"! hrhr xD

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:18
I got this mail yesterday - i"ve send it too all of my mail contacts :D
let"s make a company: the tokyo hotel- kill company lol
who wants to join in? you only need a knive or a gun XD

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:20
me! I got a penknife an razor blades..
is it enough?

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Antwort von Quiz4fun (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.10.2005 - 22:22
duh u"re stubborn... why d"you wanna KILL them? are u completely nuts? killing means ending one"s life... i guess thats not the right way to treat them...

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:24
well... we also can laugh at them

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:25
I think we incline to exaggerate
and you see it too serious. you don"t really think we"ll walk to magdeburg and kill them ôO .. wurst

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:27
:) yeah... that is true, but some people don"t realize this.

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:29
yay! Hey. I just want 2 kick em in their asses. But killin... sounz funny but nahhhh. Just send em Letter-Bombs. Make em suffer not die.

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:29
people who see murderers in us ^^
well.. I think your idea was good. let"s walk to magdeburg or wherever (or better drive or so) and laugh at them.. but, well, that"s too much uprising for these guys..let"s wait till j-z kicks their little asses ^^
I"ll go and whatch this movie on zdf.. maybe it"s good.. who knows. good night

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:30
i realize it too, but maybe quiz4fun stands on the other dark side... maybe he"s a fan of them? or is he only so social? i don"t know him...

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2005 - 22:32
at the end they think we are fans of them... NOOOO! it is better to kick them in their asses.

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Antwort von Quiz4fun (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.10.2005 - 22:52
teufele: geez! i"m not a fan for sure... duh u really don"t know me.

i just think it"s wrong to desire anybody"s death

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