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reflexive pronoun

Frage: reflexive pronoun
(1 Antwort)

Hallo wuerden Sie bitte die Sätze korrigieren, wenn die Saetze falsch sind, wuerden sie mir bitte schreiben warum? Ich danke im voraus
Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun or each other. If there should be no reflexive pronoun write -.

  1. I won`t help you, Myra and Quentin, you have to try it _yourselves____
  2. They called me fat. But they should look at themselves______, they are much fatter than I am.
  3. I didn`t go to school today because I didn`t feel __-__ well
  4. Let me have a look, I want to see it myself .
  5. They looked at each other and fell in love immediately.
  6. I can`t remember ___-______ when I was so happy the last time.
  7. In this youth hostel we had to wash our dishes ourselves after breakfast.
  8. We helped each other with our homework. I helped Jack with maths and Jack helped me with French.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 05.06.2022 - 22:10

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 06.06.2022 - 00:09

alles ok

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