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Text: bitte korrigieren

Frage: Text: bitte korrigieren
(3 Antworten)

Beiträge 80
The disadvantages are that the child is tied to a bank at an early age credit card.
Furthermore, the children have to remember a card code. Another point is that the children forget to count. The last point is that the parents can’t arrange a limited overdraft and stop further spending. In my opinion, children should have a credit card because they learn how to use a card as a child and the parents can control it. The kids also can’t buy an alcohol and the parents can set up automatic money transfers to their kid’s card. Hey friends, today I am going to write a blog about if children should have their own credit cards. I want to tell my own opinion and the pros and cons. The advantages are that the children learn to live on a monthly budget because the children do not know how much money is spent on food and clothes. Furthermore, the credit card can be blocked immediately if it is stolen. The next point is that shopping is made easier because the kid doesn`t take a lot of money with him. Lastly, the credit card is on school trips safer than cash. Thank you for reading my blog. Share your thoughts in the comments below. :)

Bitte grammatilikalisch und Rechtschreibung koorigieren biitee, danke.
Frage von Leila32 | am 29.05.2020 - 20:31

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 29.05.2020 - 21:48
ist das für ein Text? Bezieht er sich auf ein Buch oder eine Kurzgeschichte?Wo kann man das Original lesen?
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 80
Antwort von Leila32 | 29.05.2020 - 22:11
Dieser Text ist von mir. Ich habe ein Blogeintrag geschrieben.
Hey friends,
today I am going to write a blog about if children should have their own credit cards . I want to tell my own opinion and the pros and cons.

The advantages are that the children learn to live on a monthly budget because the children do not know how much money is spent on food and clothes. Furthermore, the credit card can be blocked immediately if it is stolen. The next point is that shopping is made easier because the kid doesn`t take a lot of money with him. Lastly, the credit card is on school trips safer than cash.

The disadvantages are that the child is tied to a bank at an early age credit card. Furthermore, the children have to remember a card code. Another point is that the children forget to count. The last point is that the parents can’t arrange a limited overdraft and stop further spending.
In my opinion, children should have a credit card because they learn how to use a card as a child and the parents can control it. The kids also can’t buy an alcohol and the parents can set up automatic money transfers to their kid’s card.

Thank you for reading my blog. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Kannst du es grammatikalisch und Rechtschreibung kontrollieren bitte?,danke

Beiträge 80
Antwort von Leila32 | 29.05.2020 - 22:13
Bitte den ganzen Text koorrigieren weil ich das so brauche, danke.

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