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(2 Antworten)

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Frage von JonasElleven (ehem. Mitglied) | am 07.02.2019 - 16:38

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Antwort von Ratgeber | 07.02.2019 - 21:56
Lediglich Korrektur des Textes!
Den Inhalt finde ich vom Ablauf des Berlin-Besuches eher mager, denn Berlin hat viel mehr zu bieten als Starbucks, H&M und Imbissbuden, auch für Schulabgänger ...

The Classtrip
  • On August 22, 2018 we made our first class trip / school trip to Berlin, a city in Germany.
  • The whole class went twelve hours by bus to a youth hostel, where we slept.
  • On the first day we were in the Berlin Dungeon, a special place with scary, funny and interesting attractions.
  • That was the wish of our class, because we are going to finish school at the end of this year.
  • We arrived at Berlin at ten o’clock.
  • On our second day in Berlin we were visiting the Fernsehturm Berlin / Television Tower in Berlin.
  • It is 368 m high and we took the lift up to the top.
  • We had a wonderful panoramic view over Berlin.
  • Then we ate Sushi in a Chinese restaurant.
  • On the third day we played an escape game in the evening. (Spannend und was habt ihr tagsüber gemacht? Nicht jeder weiß, was ein escape game ist, vielleicht beschreiben...)
  • We had a lot of free time
  • We visited Starbucks, H&M and a high fashion store.
  • Later the whole class had some Currywurst. (Lt. Deinem Text 1 Currywurst für die ganze Klasse …)
  • On the fourth day, our last one, we left Berlin at 8 o’clock.
  • It was an experience of life / life experience.

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Antwort von JonasElleven (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.02.2019 - 22:20
Dankeschön ja ich weiß aber so war halt unsere Klassenfahrt

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