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Frage: Report
(3 Antworten)

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Hier habe ich einen zweiten Text über einen Report. Ich weiß nur nicht welcher sich besser anhört

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Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

the reason why I am writing is, that I want to give you some information about my survey about food, I did at school.

Boy’s and girls‘ favourite food
I did a survey among my school mates, to find out about their favorite foods to eat in my school. Now I know that pizza is the beloved food among boys with about 27 %, but for girls the pizza isn’t at the first place, for them it’s the roast chicken with 23%. So, I found out almost everything that includes meat is preferred by the boys, where the girls are on the healthy side with their salat or jacket potatoes. The least favorite food from school is the vegetable stew that only 2% of the girls like and none of the boys likes them.

The favorite meal: Fast-Food
But what you can easily see on the bar chart is that the Fast-Food like Spaghetti, Roast chicken and Pizza are the top three favorite food from our school. Why are schools cooking so much Fast-Food? At first it is very easy and fast to cook and almost everyone likes it. Another good reason is that it’s cheap.

Ways to eat healthier in school
At first, we should make salat bars, where the students can get their fresh salad easily. Also, cool for us students would be, if we have a voice for deciding which meal we can get. It would be great if the food was better and varied.
Frage von Jenny01997 | am 08.08.2017 - 15:03

Beiträge 40
Antwort von olgar | 15.08.2017 - 11:21
Dear Ladies and Gentleman,

the reason why I am writing you is that I want to give you some information about my survey about food I did at school.

Boy`s and girls` favourite food
I did a survey among my school mates to find out about their favourite foods to eat in my school. Now I know that pizza is the beloved favourite food among boys with about 27 %. However,
for girls the pizza isn’t at the first place. For them it’s the roast chicken with 23%. So Furthermore, I found out that almost everything that includes meat is preferred by the boys, whereas the girls are on the healthy side with their eat healthier dishes such as salad or jacket potatoes. The least favourite food from school is the vegetable stew that only 2% of the girls like and none of the boys likes them.

The favourite meal: Fast Food
But what you can easily see on the bar chart is that the Fast-Food like Spaghetti, Roast chicken and Pizza are the top three favorite food from our school. Why are schools cooking so much fast food? At first First of all, it is very easy and fast to cook and . Second of all, almost everyone likes it. Another good reason is that it’s cheap.

Ways to eat healthier in school
At first, we should make salat bars where the students can get their fresh salad easily. Also, cool for us students would be it would be amazing for us students if we have had a voice (choice?) for deciding which meal we can get. It would be great if the food was better and varied.


Super schnelle Korrektur. Achte auf die Kommas!

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Antwort von Ritchy (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.08.2017 - 13:36
Hallo Jenny, also ich finde den anderen Report aussagekräftiger, vor allem mit Deinem Vorschlag, Kochkurse einzuführen, so daß die Schüler preiswert selbst kochen und auch gesundes Essen und dessen Zubereitung erlernen. Dabei können sich die Schüler in Gruppen aufteilen und jede Gruppe kommt an einem anderen Tag mal dran.

Beiträge 10
Antwort von Jenny01997 | 18.08.2017 - 14:06
Vielen Dank für die Verbesserung und das Feedback!

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