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Billy Elliot: Plot bitte korrigieren

Frage: Billy Elliot: Plot bitte korrigieren
(3 Antworten)

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Wäre nett wenn ihr meine plot von "Billy Elliot" gegebenfalls korrigieren könntet Ist wichtig, ich brauche die für morgen.

The film place in Everington, a mining village in county Durham, North East of England during the miners strike in 1984-5. It tells the story of 11 years old Billy Elliot his love of dance and his hope to became a professional ballet dancer. Billy lives in a small house with his father Jackie, his older brother Tony and his grandma. Billy and Tony share a room. Jackie and Tony are miners out on strike, because they want to close down the mine. Once a week the father gives Billy 50p for the boxing class. The boxing class share the gym with a ballet group from Mrs. Wilkinson. One day Billy finds out that he is interested in ballet. Soon after he takes part secretly in the group instead of boxing. His father finds out that Billy takes part in the ballet group. He is angry and he forbids him to go to the ballet group.
But Mrs. Wilkinson gives Billy free secretly ballet lessons. She discovered that he has a big talent. Billy`s best friend Michael supports him. On new year`s eve Jackie discovered that Billy has private ballet lessons. He see Billy and Michael dancing in the gym. His father is convince from Billy`s talent and will supports him. He sold the family jewels and goes again to work in the mine. So can Billy go to the audition in the Royal Ballet School. He is accepted.
..14 years later..
Billy is an adult and one of the best ballet dancer. In the last scene he performed "Swan Lake" and he dance the main part. His father and Tony came to see Billy. Michael is also there to see Billy.
Frage von x.kleine_zimt_zicke. (ehem. Mitglied) | am 25.04.2017 - 22:27

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Antwort von Aladin7 (ehem. Mitglied) | 26.04.2017 - 15:21
Also ein paar Fehler habe ich entdeckt:

His father is convinced from Billy`s talent and will support him.
He saw Billy and Michael dancing...
Bitte auf Zeiten achten!

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 26.04.2017 - 15:49

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 26.04.2017 - 18:04
meine Korrekturen:

The film takes place in Everington, a mining village in county Durham, North East of England during the miners strike in 1984-5. It tells the story of 11 years old Billy Elliot, his love of dance and his hope to become a professional ballet dancer. (...) The boxing class shares the gym with Mrs. Wilkinson’s ballet group. One day Billy finds out that he is interested in ballet and soon after he secretly takes part in the group instead of boxing. His father finds out that Billy attends the ballet group and forbids his son to go to the ballet group.
But Mrs. Wilkinson keeps on teaching Billy free and secretly, because she had discovered that he has a big talent. Billy`s best friend Michael supports him. On New Year`s Eve Jackie discovers that Billy has private ballet lessons and watches Billy and Michael dancing in the gym. His father is convinced of Billy`s talent and will support him. He sells the family jewels and goes back to work in the mine. So Billy can go to the audition in the Royal Ballet School. He is accepted.
..14 years later..
Billy is an adult and one of the best ballet dancers. In the last scene of the movie he performes the swan in "Swan Lake" and he dances the main part. His father, his brother Tony and also his best Michael watch him from the audience.

Die Sätze, die meines Erachtens korrekt waren, habe ich weggelassen (...)

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