Facharbeit auf Englisch
Frage: Facharbeit auf Englisch(2 Antworten)
ich muss für meine mündliche englisch prüfung ein Vortrag vorbereiten und da habe ich meine Facharbeit ausgewählt und in Englisch zusammengefasst- bitte korrigieren und Verbesserungsvorschläge wäre nicht schlecht, danke im vorraus Today I`m going to talk about my paperwork. Also our current problem in germany are that too many refugees are coming to our country and most of the pepople dont know how to handle with this situation or how to react to the refugees. thats why people living in germany have too much prejudices against other nationalities or traditions . The research started on the 26th february 2016. We chose class 4 because they are already in an age to build an opinion and learn to discuss. As we went to the classe 4 I read the book called "blöde ziege dumme gans" its about a goat and goose which are friends and arguing all the time. But they learned to think about the problems and finally they were friends again. This story was a transision to the main topic. An interesting fact is after reading I asked some questions about the story and generally stuff about prejudices and I was wondering how the students are interested in this topic and worked diligently. We summed up that any problem can solved by talking without violence, that all people are the same, no matter where they come from, what religion they are belong to or which skin colour they have. At the end i can say that it was difficult to write this paperwork because we started late and were pushed for time. In future I would really like when the teachers controls us more than they did this year. |
Frage von nhsyn | am 22.05.2016 - 20:05 |
Antwort von Zal | 22.05.2016 - 21:20 |
Today I`m going to talk about my research paper (ihr habt es untersucht). As you probably know we had to write a thesis In contrast (im Gegensatz) beinhaltet schon einen Unterschied, Our task was to do somthing with students at the grammar school. Michelle, Nathalie and I were in a group. We had (Vergangenheit, also auch der Rest..) a lot of ideas but since we only had one hour to do a conversation with the students we decided to pick the most important topic. Spring nicht durch die Zeiten, du erzählst ja von etwas, was vergangen ist -> past. Our idea was to teach the students to not have prejudices against people. We came to the conclusion to name the topic More importantly/Besides the current problem Germany faces are that too many refugees are coming to our country and most of the pepople dont know how to handle the situation or how to react to the refugees. This is the reason why people in Germany have too many prejudices towards (passt besser als against, aber geht beides) other nationalities or traditions. The research started on the 26th of February 2016. We chose class 4 because they are already in an age to build an opinion and learn to discuss. As we went to the class 4 I read the book Du hast am Anfang geschrieben, dass sie Freunde sind und immer streiten. Dann dachten Sie über die Probleme nach und wurden "wieder" Freunde. Es widerspricht sich ein wenig.. This story was a transition to the main topic. Surprisingly after I finished reading, I asked some questions about the story and generally stuff about prejudices and I was amazed how interested and diligent the students were regarding this topic. We summed up that any problem can be solved by talking without violence, that all people are the same, no matter where they come from, what religion they are belong to or which skin colour they have. At the end i can say that it was difficult to write this thesis/paper because we started late and had time pressure (meinst du Zeitdruck?). In the future I would really like the teachers to control us more than they did this year. Habe es mal schnell überflogen, sollte eigentlich ok sein. |
Antwort von matata | 22.05.2016 - 21:21 |
Wie heisst das Thema oder der Titel dieser Arbeit? Wie hiess der genaue Arbeitsauftrag? Welche Quellen oder Unterlagen hast du verwendet für deine schriftliche Arbeit? Wo kann man die wesentlichen Punkte nachlesen, die du verwendet hast für deine Arbeit? ________________________ e-Hausaufgaben.de - Team |
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