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au pair reference

Frage: au pair reference
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 2

mein englisches au pair hätte gerne eine Referenz von mir.
Mein englisch ist nicht perfekt und vllt kann hier ja mal jemand korrektur lesen. Danke schonmal :)

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are a German family living in Mainz
. We have 3 children; two twin girls aged 3 and one boy aged 6.

My husband is working full time in Switzerland and i work part time from Monday to Friday.
(name) was a great help in the household. She did the ironing and cleaned the kitchen; sometimes prepared meals and tidied up the kitchen/kids bedrooms and floors. In all household tasks she was competent and accurate.
(name) is a very friendly and sensitive person when it comes to dealing with the children. She has been around the girls often (boy was in school most of the time), and I trust her with them implicitly.
Especially I would say that (name) is a very creative person. She always had an art project to do with the kids, and was always up for dramatic play, even if it meant building a cave with chairs and blankets or dressing up like princess. The girls loved to dance and sing with her and when we were all together in the evenings they loved to play hide and seek and build castles and spaceships with Lego.
I can strongly recommend her as an au pair. She will be a friendly, reliable and competent member of her new host family.
Frage von carusobonaparte | am 16.02.2016 - 16:10

Beiträge 11947
Antwort von cleosulz | 16.02.2016 - 22:04

ich kann dir dein Empfehlungsschreiben leider nicht korrigieren, da meine Englischkenntnisse dazu nicht ausreichen.

Warum erteilst du deiner Super-Nanny nicht ein auf Deutsch abgefasstes Schreiben?
Dann bist du auf alle Fälle "fein raus".

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