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Frage: Englisch Report schreiben
(1 Antwort)

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Write a report about  class trip 

A class  trip  to a concert 

A class from Windsor  school did a class trip to a  concert in London on the 20th march.
Many purses and  mobiles were  stolen  by  three thieves. There were stolen also valuables from a few pupils from Windsor school. The thieves were  seen by a woman . The culprits have wear black clothes and they  were very  tall. The  police try  to  find the thieves , but they  know how they  look exactly, because there is a security camera in  the  concert hall. If  you  want to  see the  thieves look at  the website and if  you  have seen they somewhere ,call the  number 7617.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 22.03.2015 - 18:29

Beiträge 1563
Antwort von LsD | 23.03.2015 - 09:50
A school trip  to a concert 

A class from Windsor  school went on a school trip to a  concert in London on the 20th of March.
Many purses and  mobile phones were  stolen  by  three thieves. There were stolen also other valuables from a few pupils from Windsor School were stolen. The thieves were  seen by a woman . The culprits were wearing black clothes and they  were very  tall. The  police tried  to  find the thieves and they  knew exactly how they  look like, because there was a security camera in  the  concert hall. If  you  want to  see how the  thieves look like, visit  the website and if  you  have seen them somewhere ,call the  number 7617.
________________________ - Team

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