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Englisch Aufgaben

Frage: Englisch Aufgaben
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Beiträge 2
Ich habe echt Probleme mit den folgen Aufgaben:
Write short Dialogues for the following situations
You Colleague is hungry but it too busy to go our for lunch
2. Your boss wants to talk to you in his/her coffee
3. A customer is coming to visit your company but doesnt know how to get there.
4.A very good friend is going on holiday an has to get to the airport.
5. You are at the cinema with a very good friend and have forgotten to bring any money.
6. You need someone to chair the next department meeting. You ask one of your colleagues.

When People are describing their home country or towm,the often use words in their owm language when they talk about the most famous sights,Foreigners can not allways understand this ,so its important to find ways to describe them in English. Eighter choose sixc of the following sights in Germany or six from your own area and decribe them so that a foreigner would know what you are talking about .Write about four sentences per sight: Kölner Dom,Englischer Garten,Reeperbahn,Dresdner Zwinger,Reichstag,Kurfürstendamm,Elbsandsteingebirge,Loreley,Brandenburger Tor,Deutsches Museum,Rhein,Bodensee,Semperoper,Meißener Porzelanmanufaktur,Bayerischer Wald

Write about 200 words telling a visitor from another cpountry what he/she should or should not do in your country

Hoffe ihr könnt mir was formulieren.

Danke im Vorraus.
Frage von Jonas142 | am 12.02.2015 - 07:02

Leider noch keine Antworten vorhanden!

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