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Text: Verify the anwers, please

Frage: Text: Verify the anwers, please
(2 Antworten)

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The Rocky Mountains
In Western Canada there is a mountain range called the Rocky Mountains, which goes all the way down to North America.
That was the area where I decided to spend my vacation. I work as a writer for a large newspaper in Toronto, which is a really busy job.. I had been working six days a week for the past year and I really needed a vacation. The first place I thought of to relax was the Rocky Mountains. So I decided to visit them on my vacation.
When I reached the mountains, everything was beautiful. The air was nice, the trees were large and green, and the sky was bright, blue and without clouds. I made a camping site by setting up my tent and lighting a fire. I slept well and I was already relaxed before I went to bed.
I woke up in the night because it was raining. I couldn’t get back to sleep and waited till sunrise. Luckily there was no more raining when I opened my tent. But when I wanted to eat my breakfast, I saw that animals had eaten all my food during the night. I didn’t hear them because of the noisy rain. I had to go to the nearest town to buy more food.
When I went back, I found a great and awesome lake and decided to swim. The water was unbelievably warm! I had a good time swimming in the hot spring and I wanted to stay longer in the mountains. The next night, when the animals tried to get my food, it was sealed properly. So they couldn’t steal my food anymore.
I stayed in the mountains for another five days before returning home to Toronto. This vacation was the best I’ve had for a long time. If you are thinking about taking a break, I recommend you the Rocky Mountains. But make sure you seal your food properly, though.

The man enjoyed his vacation in the Rocky Mountains.
This statement is

true, because the story tells about that the man says This vacation was the best that i had for a long time.

false, because the story says...

According to the man, “The Rocky Mountains are a bad vacation area.”
This statement is

false, because the story says that the man tells it was his best vacation and he recomend the Rocky Mountains.

true, because the story says...
Frage von Linn1 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 25.11.2013 - 11:45

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Antwort von matata | 25.11.2013 - 12:50
Verwende hier nicht das Pronomen Ich, sondern ein Pronomen für den Mann

was the best that i had

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.11.2013 - 13:16
that the man says that vacation was the best that he has had for a long time.

that the man tells it was his best vacation and he recommends the Rocky Mountains.

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