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Englisch Vortrag / BITTE korrigieren

Frage: Englisch Vortrag / BITTE korrigieren
(1 Antwort)

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Hallo ich muss für englisch einen Vortrag über das Regierungssystem der USA machen. und da ich nicht so gut in der englisch Grammatik bin , wollte ich fragen ob ihr mal drüber schauen könnt und korrigieren könnt. es würde mir total helfen denn keiner meiner Familienmitglieder kann wirklich gut englisch. ALSO SCHONMAL TAUSEND DANK. bin erst neu hier und hoffe das ihr mir helfen könnt trotz keiner Belohnung :-/

hier der Text
The presidential democracy is the system of government of the United States, which on.The referred to as presidential government is relatively independent of Parlament.This form of democracy is characterized in that by two popular elections, the Parliament and the President are determined. The presidential election is divided into two rounds. The first round is dedicated to the nomination of presidential candidates that are obtained in previously conducted primaries. The second ballot is the actual presidential election, under which American citizens are entitled to vote choose the so-called electors. American presidents are elected for a period of four years. Since 1951, the heads of state will be elected only once again. Barack Obama is currently the acting head of state of the presidential democracy in the United States. He is also commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces. His government activities he carries out by the White House in Washington DC. The powers of the President include the appointment of ambassadors, ministers, ambassadors and federal sentiment. Here, the consent of the Senate is required. Continues to represent the head of state, the U.S. foreign policy, and with the consent of the Senate, he has the right to enter into agreements with other states
Frage von maaarieyooh (ehem. Mitglied) | am 06.01.2013 - 12:26

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Antwort von maaarieyooh (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.01.2013 - 16:32
schon gelöst

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