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Characterisierung verbessern bitte

Frage: Characterisierung verbessern bitte
(2 Antworten)

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Kann mir bitte jemand diese Characteriesierung verbessern und mir Tips bzw vorschlaege geben was ich besser machen könnte?

Characterization of Mr Stone.
At first I want to describe Mr Stone´s look.
If you are seeing him the first time, your impression would be, that he is a very serious and stubborn man you would think he is a jerk. Because he has a lot of folds in his pale face and in the middle of his face you can see a big pointed nose. But the reason about his mean impression are his small slitted eyes, which doesn´t let the other people think a lot of good about him.
But you shouldn´t judge anybody by the way he looks. If you know him better, I am sure, you would change your opinion, and you will understand his situation. Mr Stone is a very strong man, he didn´t get a lot of respect from the people. Nevertheless he lives his life as good as he could and he never despear if anybody diss him. Maby Mr Stone was too polite to all this people, he was never getting rude, and I think more people have to take him as idol and more people should act like him.
Frage von Yovil (ehem. Mitglied) | am 16.12.2012 - 20:17

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Antwort von matata | 16.12.2012 - 20:28
zu welchem Buch gehört diese Characterization, bitte?

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Antwort von Yovil (ehem. Mitglied) | 16.12.2012 - 20:32
Kein Buch, habe Sie nach einem Bild gemacht, da ich am Mittwoch eine Schularbeit darüber habe.
Dieses Bild

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