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Frage: Text korrigieren, bitte!
(7 Antworten)

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würde eventuell jemand diesen Text für mich korrigieren?

The short story “pushy’s pimples” by Farrukh Dhondy, is about an Indian girl Pushpa.
She has spots and pimples on her face and don’t like them. Everyone in her class made fun of pimples and Michelle, with who she talk about this things in private, told her that married Women have no pimples because it’s about blood and hormones so if she sleep with someone her pimples would stop. Michelle also set up a date with her boyfriend’s best friend Steve, who is Interested in Pushy, so they could end Pushy’s problems. But at the End her family got home earlier then planed so they could not sleep with each other and she is happy nothing had happened.
Frage von zicke616161 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.09.2012 - 16:13

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Antwort von ich..xD (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2012 - 16:31
The short story "pushy`s pimples" by Farrukh Dhondy is about an indian girl named Pushpa.
She has pots ans pimples on her face and doesn`t like them. Everyone in her class makes fun of her pimples and Michelle with whom she talks about these things in private told her that married women have no pimples because it`s caused by blood and hormones so if she sleeps with someone her pimples would go away. Also Michelle sets up a date with her boyfriend`s best friend Steve, who is interested in Pushy, so Pushy`s problems would end. But in the end her family gets home earlier then said so they could not sleep with each other and she is happy nothing has happened

das ist ja eine summary und die werden immer im simple present bis auf ausnahmen geschrieben darauf musst du achten und du hast öfters das "s" beim verb bei she vergessen

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Antwort von jheitzer (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2012 - 16:33
The short story "Pushy`s Pimples" (Titel groß schreiben) by Farrukh Dhondy (kein Beistrich) ist about an Indian girlcalledPushpa.
She had spots and pimples (over/all over vllt.?) and hatedthem. (Klingt besser so, finde ich.)
Everyone in her class made fun about herpimples.
Michelle, with who she talked about this things in private, told her that married women have no pimples, this had something to do with blood and hormons and these things, so if sheslept with someone, her pimples would go away.
So, Michelle set up a date with her boyfriend`s best friend Steve, who was interested in Pushy. (Kann man, denk ich, so lassen.)
But inthe end, her family got home earlier than[b]they were used to, so she and Steve could not sleep with each other and she was happy that nothing happened.
Bin selber Schüler, also keine Gewähr... ;)

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2012 - 20:16
The short story "Pushy`s Pimples" by Farrukh Dhondy ist about an Indian girl called Pushpa.
She had spots and pimples all over her face and hated them. Everyone in her class made fun of her pimples.
Michelle [--]who she talked to about these things in private, told her that married women had no pimples, this had something to do with blood and hormons and these things, so if she slept with someone, her pimples would go away.
So, Michelle set up a date with her boyfriend`s best friend Steve, who was interested in Pushy. But in the end, her family got home earlier than she had thought of, so she and Steve could not sleep with each other and she was happy that nothing had happened.[/b]

Ich war mal Schüler, ich garantiere für die Richtigkeit; ich bin von
jheitzers guter Vorarbeit ausgegangen.

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Antwort von jheitzer (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2012 - 20:25
Irgendwie ein seltsamer Text. Ist das eine Nacherzählung, oder?
Warum war sie zum Schluss froh, dass sie nicht mit ihm geschlafen hat? Davon, dass sie jemand aufklärt hätt, steht da nichts. Etwas unlogisch :)

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2012 - 21:07
Du stellst vielleicht Fragen, werd` erst mal erwachsen. Mann/Frau sind nicht nur sexual-hormon-gesteuert.

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Antwort von jheitzer (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2012 - 21:09
Hä...? Ich frage mich, warum sie zum Schluss nicht mehr an das Ammenmärchen vom Pickelschwund glaubt. ;)

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.09.2012 - 02:10
Ich frage mich, warum sie zum Schluss nicht mehr an das Ammenmärchen vom Pickelschwund glaubt

Wo steht das denn? In der Zusammenfassung ist doch nur die Rede davon, dass sie im Nachhinein froh ist, dass nichts passiert ist. Sowas soll übrigens auch in Erwachsenenkreisen vorkommen...;

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