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Korrektur eines Textes

Frage: Korrektur eines Textes
(2 Antworten)

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If you could see me now
I was so little but I always ask myself What would you do !
If you could see me now I wonder what you think
Would you be proud of me and hold my hand
Or would it brand a hole in your heart to see me like this

I am not a little Miss but there are this thinks I truly miss
Like you always hugging me and teach me how to pray
Like you make me going my first steps and told me to go my way
Like you told me to be myself and I like to dream I am an elf
Flying in the Universe with you ever back on earth
But it have been some years and was I worth the time?
And now I’m asking myself
If you could see me now what would you think
I hope I have taken a way in life that makes you proud of me
Frage von zicke616161 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 30.05.2012 - 17:32

Antwort von GAST | 30.05.2012 - 17:58

I was so little (körpergröße: small) but I always ask(ed!?) myself what would you do !
If you could see me now I wonder what you +will/would think
Would you be proud of me and hold my hand?
Or would it brand (burn?) a hole in your heart to see me like this?

I am not a little Miss but there are this thinks (things? /thoughts?) I truly miss
Like you always hugging me and teaching me how to pray
Like you made me go my first steps and told me to go my way
Like you told me to be myself and I like to dream I am an elf (blargh!)
Flying in the Universe with you ever back on earth (?)
But it have been (what / where?) some years(.) (and) was I worth the time?
And now I’m asking myself
If you could see me now what would you think
I hope I have taken (chosen?) a way in (of?) life that makes you proud of me (road of life?)

falls es ein gedicht sein soll, wäre ja alles erlaubt. dan musst du nix verbessern.

dein gedicht wirkt absolut nicht selbstbewusst!? wer soll dich denn so wahrnehmen?
- ich würde es niemandem geben, den ich leiden kann!

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Antwort von zicke616161 (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.05.2012 - 18:09
es geht um jemand der verstorben ist als ich klein war und was er über mich denken würde
das es dinge gibt die ich einfach vermisse seit er nicht mehr da ist was er für mich war und das ich mich frage ob mein Lebensweg ihn Stolz auf mich machen würde

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