Hilfe bei will-futur und going to
Frage: Hilfe bei will-futur und going to(2 Antworten)
Kann bitte mal jemand rüberschauen ob das was ich nach den Zahlen eingesetzt habe so stimmt? Das wort in Klammern mußt ich in die richtige form bringen. Sally:So, Katrin, have you got any special plans for the weekend? Katrin:Yes, I have, actually. to England. Sally:Oh, really. For how long? Katrin:Well, they (2) will arrive (arrive) on Friday and (3) are going to stay (stay) until Wednesday. They booked the tickets months ago. Sally:I expect that (4) will be (be) nice. When did you last see them? Katrin:Oh, about three months ago. Quite a long time, so I don’t think we (5) will stop (stop) talking the whole time. Sally:Are you planning anything special? Katrin:Yes, they (6) will flies (fly) to London, so we (7) are going to spend (spend) the weekend there in a hotel. Sally:Wow, that (8) will give (give) you and your mum a break from the cooking! Katrin:Exactly! Of course we (9) will do (do) some sightseeing - maybe we (10) will take (take) one of those double decker buses ; they stop at all the interesting places, and then I want to take them to a show on Saturday evening. I haven’t got any tickets yet but I (11) am going to look (look) in the Internet. Sally:My sister saw a really good show when she was in London last month. Katrin:Oh? Can you remember the name? Sally:No, I can’t; that’s the problem. I (12) will phone (phone) her and then I (13) will get back (get back) to your later. Katrin:Thanks. And on Sunday maybe we (14) are going to go (go) for a walk in Hyde Park or (15) will go (go) on a boat on the river. Sally:And there’s always shopping. Katrin:That’s true but they can do that in Peterborough. We (16) will come (come) back here on Sunday evening. Michael (17) will cook (cook) a special meal. Sally:That’s a nice idea. What about the last two days? Karin:Well, I don’t have any holiday, so I (18) will be (be) at work. I hope they (19) won’t be (be) bored. Sally:Surely not. There’s lots to do in Peterborough and you can see them in the evenings. I’m sure they (20) will have (have) a lovely time. |
Frage von Korni1976 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 21.05.2012 - 19:38 |
Antwort von Korni1976 (ehem. Mitglied) | 21.05.2012 - 19:49 |
Noch |
Antwort von GAST | 21.05.2012 - 20:15 |
für wen/was machst`n das? (wird das sowieso in der schule / lehrgang korrigiert) haste dich an irgendwelche regeln gehalten? an welcher stelle biste denn trotz der gültigen regeln unsicher gewesen? - es ist ziemlich unattraktiv, den ganzen text auf auf korrektur zu lesen. : / |
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