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Vergleich von GB und DE auf Englisch

Frage: Vergleich von GB und DE auf Englisch
(4 Antworten)

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Hallo ich musste als Hausaufgabe eine Vergleich schreiben
Niveau : Oberstufe
Bitte verbessert meine Fehler;

Germany and Britain are two countries with a big global role.
Both are in the EU and NATO. Great Britain consists of four countries, England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. The peoples from Germany have many things together with them of Great Britain. However there are also many different things. In the following paragraphs the Different and Similar of the Germans and Britain’s are discussed.

The British and German typical man loves football. Every weekend they watch the football matches of his favorite team. At the world championships they meet all together and watch the matches of his national team. Furthermore they like to drink beer and eat sausages during watching football. The wife’s cook the food and take care of the children’s.

Nevertheless there are many different things. The British food is very solid. For Breakfast they eat eggs, sausages, bacon, beans, and more. In contrast the Germans eat a pretzel and drinks a coffee. They drink coffee the whole day anyway like the British tea. Moreover everybody loves the Royals in Britain. They are proud of them and sings the national hymn, ”god saves the queen” very often. Whereas the Germans are most time unhappy with the German politics and sing only the national hymn before a football match.

All in all, Britain’s are not like Germans. On the one hand there are some things they have together but on the other hand there are many different things. Finally all people are different.

DANKE :) , gruß Simon
Frage von simon922 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.10.2011 - 14:46

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Antwort von BonnieCeline (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.10.2011 - 15:15
gar nicht so schlecht. ;)

jedoch noch ein paar verbesserungen:
In the following paragraphs the Different and Similar of the Germans and Britain’s are discussed.
-> an stelle von different and similar -> differences and similarities oder affinities)

Both are in the EU and NATO
würde ich vlt. schreiben : are members of the Eu and NATO.

ist Amerikanisches Englisch - bei normalem (britischen schulenglisch) schreibt man favourite !

The peoples from Germany have many things together with them of Great Britain
-> würde ich besser sagen in common. hört sich englischer an ;)genau wie in deinem schlusssatz.

At the world championships they meet all together and watch the matches of his national team
-> da musst du their schreiben oder du veränderst den satzanfang :).genau wie in der zeile danch :D

Whereas the Germans are most time unhappy with the German politics and sing only the national hymn before a football match
-> da musst du noch sing und only vertauschen -> du musst schreiben :... only sing ...

Hoffe ich konnte dir weiterhelfen :)
ansonsten meld dich einfach nochmal ;)


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Antwort von BonnieCeline (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.10.2011 - 15:32
Hatte den eintrag schon ausversehen abgeschickt;) - hier noch mehr verbesserungen !

The British and German typical man loves football. Every weekend they watch the football matches of his favorite team.

-> musst du auch noch ändern, ansonsten würde es auf deutsch heißen: Der britische und der deutsche typische Mann liebt Fußball.Jedes Wochenende schauen sie die Fußballspiele seiner Lieblingsmannschaft.

In contrast the Germans eat a pretzel and drinks a coffee
-> statt drinks -> drink ;)

They are proud of them and sings the national hymn, ”god saves the queen” very often
-> wieder s weg ;)
Außerdem muss very often vors verb !

Whereas the Germans are most time unhappy with the German politics and sing only the national hymn before a football match.
-> only vor sing !

Bitteschön :) & Lg

Antwort von GAST | 10.10.2011 - 15:36
Germany and Britain are two countries which play a big global role. Both of themare in [---] EU and NATO. Great Britain consists of four countries, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. The people from Germany have many things in common with those from Great Britain. However there are also many differences. In the following paragraphs the different and similar aspects of [---]Germans and Britains are discussed.

The typical British and German men love football. Every weekend they watch the football matches of their
favourite teams
. At [---] world championships they meet [---] and watch the matches of their national teams. Furthermore they like to drink beer and eat sausages whilewatching football. Their wives cook the food and take care of the children.

Nevertheless there are many different things. The British food is very solid. they have eggs, sausages, bacon, beans, for breakfast [---]. In contrast the Germans have pretzels, buns and often cereals or musli and they drink coffee. They drink coffee all day long while the British like their tea. Moreover everybody in Britain loves the Royals . They are proud of them and sing the national hymn, ”God Save the Queen” very often. Whereas the Germans are mostly unhappy with the German politics and sing the national hymn only before a football match.

All in all, Britains are not like Germans. On the one hand there are some things they have in common but on the other hand there are [---]things they differ in.. Finally all people are different.

Korrektur: fett = korrigiert bzw eingefügt//// [--] = gestrichen

Ich hae mich nur auf die Korrektur beschränkt; inhaltlich stimme ich mit dem Text weitgehend nicht überein.

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Antwort von BonnieCeline (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.10.2011 - 15:49
war grad dabei noch weiter zu korrigieren, jedoch hat ha.lo jetzt schon soo viel korrigiert, dass ich glaube ich nichts finde..... Soviel hätte ich wahrsch. auch nicht mehr gefunden :D

hoffe das deine hausaufgabe jetzt gut wird ;)

Liebe Grüße

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