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Succes: Redevorbereitung kontrollieren und ergänzen ?

Frage: Succes: Redevorbereitung kontrollieren und ergänzen ?
(10 Antworten)

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Ich muss morgen eine kurze Rede über "ERFOLG" halten. Da mein Englisch nicht gerade gut ist und ich schon all das niedergeschrieben habe, was mir zu diesem thema einfällt würde ich mich sehr über weitere Ansätze freuen. Und ich bin mir sicher dass ich leider viele Fehler gemacht habe, also sollte was peinliches dabei sein würde ich mich auch sehr freuen wenn man mich korrigiert... lg

Today I am going to talk about succsess. In our last lesson we already talked about this topic and we asked us the question, if someone has more succsess in their life when he/she has a better IQ (Intelligence Quotient) or a good EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient). Of course many people believe, that clever people have more succsess in their lives but studies tested this supposition and the came to the result that for example graduates who got high IQ scores at college, were not any more successful, than thos who got lower IQ scores. This shows very plainly that success does not depend on our IQ. There are much more important things which help us to be successful in our life for instance clear aims and ideas. For example when you have clear imaginings of your further life or your dreamjob than you will do everything that you have such an life or that you are able to learn this job. So I believe that if you know exacly what you want than it often easily happens that you gain what you have wanted. Maybe it is also better to be an optimist than a pessimist because think that optimistic people take their lives easier than others who only believe in evil.
Frage von kirstn (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.09.2011 - 18:10

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Antwort von swenzel (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2011 - 19:19
So ich hab mal ein paar grobe Dinge korrigiert, aber ich garantiere nicht, dass es jetzt fehlerfrei ist. :D

Today I am going to talk about succsess. In our last lesson we already talked about this topic and we asked ourselves the question, if someone has more succsess in his life when he/she has a better IQ (Intelligence Quotient) or a good EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient). Of course many people believe (niemals for "that" ein Komma) that clever people have more succsess in their lives but studies tested this supposition and (they) came to the result that for example graduates who got high IQ scores at college, were not always more successful, than those who got lower IQ scores. This quite simply shows that success does not depend on our IQ. There are much more important things which help us to be successful in our life such as ("for instance" ist nicht falsch aber das hört sich besser an) clear aims and ideas. For example when you have a clear imagination of your further life or the job of your dreams then you will do everything in order to achieve such a life or to be able to learn your desired job.
Therefore I believe that if you know exacly what you want, it will be more likely for you to achieve your aims. Maybe it is also better to be an optimist rather than a pessimist because I think that optimistic people take their lives easier than others who only believe in evil.

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Antwort von kirstn (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2011 - 19:30
vielen DANK für die Hilfe...

würd mich noch sehr über andere Ansätze freuen, die ich in meiner Rede verwenden könnte... :)

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Antwort von swenzel (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2011 - 19:34
Du könntest evtl. noch Sachen einbauchen wie handwerkliches bzw. künstlerisches Geschick, was keinen hohen IQ vorraussetzt, aber dennoch zu ziemlich großem Erfolg führen kann. ;)

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Antwort von kirstn (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2011 - 19:36
danke... ist wirklich ein netter Ansatz über den ich mir noch keine Gedanken gemacht habe!

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Antwort von swenzel (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2011 - 19:38
Und dann gibts natürlich noch die Pornostars. xD
Die sind in der Regel auch nich besonders helle, machen aber nen Haufen Kohle... ob das allerdings erwähnenswert ist, musst du entscheiden.

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Antwort von kirstn (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2011 - 19:54
da hast du recht... kommt aber im Unterricht denk ich mal nicht so gut an ;)

Beiträge 602
Antwort von Lamina_cribrosa | 20.09.2011 - 20:26
Im Titel stehts zwar richtig, aber in Deinem Text schreibst Du immer succsess. Ausbessern nicht vergessen. :)

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Antwort von Lamina_cribrosa | 20.09.2011 - 20:30
Stimmt gar nicht - im Titel stehts auch falsch. Success bitte. :)

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Antwort von kirstn (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.09.2011 - 21:13
ist mir zum glück schon aufgefallen -.- ^^
weiß noch jemand ansätze... mir fehlen noch ein paar zeilen... wär total nett!

Antwort von GAST | 21.09.2011 - 09:16
Today I am going to talk about success. In our last lesson we already talked about this topic and we asked ourselves (1)
[--] if someone has more success in his life when he/she has a better IQ (Intelligence Quotient) or a good EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient). Of course many people believe (niemals for "that" ein Komma) that clever people will (2) have more successin their lives but studies have (3) tested this supposition [--]with (4) the result that for example graduates who got high IQ scores at college, were not always more successful, than those who got lower IQ scores. This quite simply shows that success does not depend on one`s IQ. There are much more important things which help us to be successful in our lives such as [---] clear aims and ideas. For example when you have a clear imagination of your future life or the job of your dreams [--] you will do everything in order to achieve such a life or to be able to learn for your desired job.
Therefore I believe that if you know exacly what you want to, it will be more likely for you to achieve your aims. Maybe it is also better to be an optimist rather than a pessimist because I think that optimistic people take their lives easier than others who only believe in evil.

Korrektur: fett = korrigiert bzw ergänzt; [---] = gestrichen

1) typisch deutsch: "wir fragten uns die Frage"
2) Zeit: muss future tense sein
3) Zeit: "vergangene" Handlung ohne past-Signalwort = present perfect simple
4) typisch deutsche Umständlichkeit des Ausdrucks

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