Songtext - gefällt`s euch?
Frage: Songtext - gefällt`s euch?(5 Antworten)
addicted You ask me why I can’t stop, can’t stop crying all along, can’t stop feeling all alone, why myself never seems to rest, why I need to embrace my chest and feel my inside bleeding inside`s bl.? from all these never ending beating. I’m addicted to the pain, to the fire in my veins, when I get hurt, otherwise I can’t feel, nothing else seems real, I just want to come alive while I dive into my wounds, it’s caustic and sore but I need more, I must be insane, ’cause I’m addicted to the pain. No human would like to carry this weight but after all it’s too late, I do not know anything else, I’m not a heaven’s child, I’m a hell’s, I can’t stop it, even if I wish for, there’s not much power left, can’t even roar, the twinge is what I’m used to and for what I now claim. I’m addicted to the pain, to the fire in my veins, when I get hurt, otherwise I can’t feel, nothing else seems real, I just want to come alive while I dive into my wounds, it’s caustic and sore but I need more, I must be insane, ’cause I’m addicted to the pain. Yeah! hier wird gerappt It’s like an addiction, unfortunately no fiction, none is there for you if you shout, your echo’s turning back less loud loudly? and it reveals your true value, the mirror is making you blue, you do not try something different, anything? you’re not very belligerent, you don’t try to change anything, your requirement’s what you sing, sing=verraten it’s like a drug you need now’n’then, to push you a lil’ bit more when you need another vital sign, reminding you this is no rhyme, this is real, you will get shattered, your addiction was more mat. richtig? I’m addicted to the pain, to the fire in my veins, when I get hurt, otherwise I can’t feel, nothing else seems real, I just want to come alive while I dive into my wounds, it’s caustic and sore but I need more, I must be insane, ’cause I’m addicted to the pain. joa... wie gefällts euch? liebste grüße C.G. |
Frage von isabelCG (ehem. Mitglied) | am 16.07.2011 - 22:01 |
Antwort von isabelCG (ehem. Mitglied) | 16.07.2011 - 22:02 |
mehr davon übrigens auf :) |
Antwort von GAST | 16.07.2011 - 22:07 |
Joah, nicht schlecht. (20 Lobe) |
Antwort von isabelCG (ehem. Mitglied) | 16.07.2011 - 22:10 |
was gefällt dir daran, bzw. was spricht dich (nicht) an? |
Antwort von GAST | 16.07.2011 - 22:25 |
Abgesehen von einigen (zumindest in meinen Augen) Satzbaufehlern find ich den Text klasse, hast Dir echt Mühe gegeben :) |
Antwort von isabelCG (ehem. Mitglied) | 16.07.2011 - 22:35 |
sag mir wo sie sind, damit ich sie ausradieren kann! |
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