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Bitte um Rechtschreibkorrektur

Frage: Bitte um Rechtschreibkorrektur
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Beiträge 153

Ich habe einen englischtext verfasst, mit den verschiedenen Produktionsschritten für die Herstellung von Papier.
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr den Text auf Rechtschreib und Grammatikfehler überprüfen könntet.

Paper manufacturing

The most important things for producing paper is wood and wastepaper.

Step 1: Bark

The first step for producing paper is to bark the root.

Step 2: Hack and mix

Then the wood will be hacked in pieces and between rotating grinding stones and the addition of water the wood get shredded and mixed with wastepaper and sawdust.

Step 3: Dissolve in paper pulp

While 3 hours the wood will be transformed in paper pulp by cooking the wood in a hot chemical broth.

Step 4: Clean the pulp

Then the wood knot that arise in the paper pulp get cleaned and the rest of the chemicals who remains get fished out and reused.

Step 5: Make the pulp whiter

The lignin in the pulp causes the brownish color of the paper. With that pulp we make newspaper and wrapping paper. But for making whiter paper we have to take the lignin out of the pulp. And than the pulp get even bleached.

Step 6: On the sieve

Than the pulp gets on the sieve, that´s so long like football field and so high like 2 floors, so the water that´s in it get drained.

Step 7: Squeeze the water out

The paper get pressed between steel rollers, to squeeze more water out of it.

Step 8: Cut the paper

And the last step for manufacturing paper is to cut the paper rolls in all the different widths, roll them up again and pack them to each shipment.
Frage von k1L | am 12.04.2011 - 21:44

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