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bitte korriegiern und sagen welche besser ist ^^

Frage: bitte korriegiern und sagen welche besser ist ^^
(4 Antworten)

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hey habe hier 2 andere Texte zum gleichen Thema könnt ihr den bitte korrigieren und sagen welcher besser ist sind ein paar oder so gar viele fehler drin mein englisch ist not so good

text 1:
Why do people make a butterfly tattoo on her shoulder

They make it perhaps because the butterfly is her favorite animal and you mean very much, because for example a particular person connected with it or because the butterfly is so free and independent and could open yet come they find it especially cool or fashionable to have such a butterfly on her shoulder because of the many colorful colors. Or the one is a little younger and wants it is tattoo fours because her girlfriends and friends and also have it where they think it looks very nice looks at them from just as well.

Text 2:
She make it because the butterfly is her favorite animal and also is the butterfly a special symbole for the her, because for a exemple remember on other people. The butterfly are free and independent. The butterfly is very beautiful and trendy also have all her friend a butterfly tattoo i thinks look good to me and it is very cool.
Frage von Akito (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.11.2010 - 19:24

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.11.2010 - 20:11
"ihr Lieblingstier" kann im Englischen auf zweierlei Weise übersetzt werden: 1. her (gehört zu she = eine weibliche Person), 2. their (gehört zu they = mehrere Personen).

... their favourite animal and it means very much to them, because for example a particular person is connected with it. Another reason may be the idea that the butterfly...
could open yet come: Was meinst du damit?
...on their shoulder...
They find it... (einfach mal nen neuen Satz anfangen ab und an)
...colorful colors... Farbige Farben? Wie wäre es mit: bright colours? Außerdem: Sollt ihr in American English schreiben? Wenn nicht, dann schreib colour und favourite mit u vorm r.
... and wants this tattoo, because his or her friends also have it. Since they see that it looks nice at them, they think it could suit them as well.

Ich habe mich jetzt nur auf den ersten Text konzentriert, weil der zweite im Prinzip die gleichen Gedanken enthält, aber kürzer ist. Außerdem verstehe ich nicht, wer `she` ist.

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.11.2010 - 20:16
Achso, die Überschrift/Aufgabe:
Why do people get tattooed a butterfly on their shoulder?

Antwort von ANONYM | 10.11.2010 - 20:29
Perhaps they do so, as the butterfly is her favourite animal. Another reason why some people get tattooed a butterfly on their shoulder is that a butterfly is standing for independence and freedom. But there are also other important reasons. It is possible that for those who do so the butterfly is a symbol for any adventure in the past and so the butterfly is from emotional meaning.
From my point of view it is also possible that tattooed people are in the opinion that a butterfly is very trendy and beautiful, too.

Antwort von ANONYM | 10.11.2010 - 20:30
Und ach ja: besonders gut sind die beiden texte von dir nicht.. In welcher Klasse wurde diese Aufgabe denn gestellt?
Liebe Grüße und ich hoffe, ich konnte helfen ;-)

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