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Story in Simple past gesucht !

Frage: Story in Simple past gesucht !
(21 Antworten)

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Hilfe ich brauch eine Story auf Englisch kurz und knapp in Simple Past geschrieben mit folgenden Wörtern: title;requrement;hulk;stretcher;to twist;to pull back;to injure;to grow;to
earn expect und wenn ihr so lieb wert dazu die story auf Deutsch.Das ist echt dolle wichtig für mich ich benötige es bis Freitag früh.Danke an euch alle liebe Grüße
Frage von Butterblume24 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 18.08.2010 - 19:35

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Antwort von *Money* (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.08.2010 - 02:50
Title: Was it a dream?

Last night I gotta dream, im not sure but apparently it was one.
I was at school sitting on my chair and watching straight to the table. Suddenly I felt a requirement drinking my beer which I got in my schoolbag; It was a typical Bavarian beer with a great flavour. After I`ve drunken my beer I saw my teacher Mrs. Wild becoming green like a hulk. I was scared about this new situation and stand up. While standing up and going to my teacher I twisted myself and felt down because i was too much drunken. My classmates had to pull me back because I could injure someone, especcially my teacher who looked like a monster for me. They strapped me on the strecher and brought me to the hospital; later I`ve recognized it was a psychiatries and it wasnt a dream.

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