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Englisch, richtig?

Frage: Englisch, richtig?
(3 Antworten)

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Hey, ich musste etwas über Austalien raussuchen und da ich nicht so eine Heldin in Englisch bin, wäre es sehr toll, wenn jemand die Zeit finden würde und meinen Text von der Grammatik her mal überarbeitet.

Circa 60.000 – 50.000 years ago Australia was populated by the Aborigines form Southeast- Asia.
15000 year later they also populated the island Tasmania which is in the near of Australia.
The Chinese where the first who had skills about Australia, they already detected Australia much earlier as the Europeans.
It says that the first European in Australia was a Portuguese. But the mainpart was detected by a Dutchman Willem Jansz. Willem Jansz was his first time in Australia in 1606. 36 years later the Netherlands- East Asia colony decided to reconnoiter the continent.
In this discovery Abel Tasman detected the island Tasmania.
The Duch thought that the ground of Australia is to dry and fruitless and that’s why they hadn´t any interesting to make Australia to their colony.
Primary in 1707 Jamey Cook arrived in Australia and detected the fruitful ground.
He ingested some part auf the land and make it to one colony of England.
This colony was planed as a colony for convicts. And after the USA get independent from Great Britain the ,,first Fleet´´ with the first convicts arrived in Australia. Until 1906 all parts of the land apart from Neuguinea where a British-colony.
12 years later begins the acquisition of the peninsula and because of that Neuguinea where apportion to Germany, Netherland and Great Britain.
Between 1855-1890 Australia get a bit more independent but London has also the control about some organizations in Australia.
In 1901 the independent colony get together to the Commonwealth of Australia.
In 1931 Australia get complete independent from Great Britain.


Australia is a parliamentary democracy. At this point Elisabeth II is the queen in Australia.
Australia is split in 6 states. For every state there is one governor. Australia has a very good politically and military contact to the USA.
The trade policy branded by the export of raw materials.
Between New Zealand and Australia there is a free business and because of this there also is a free job market between them.


The first population in Australia where the Aborigines. Today there is a multitude of all the different civilizations. The majority of the immigrants are the European with 92 %. The official language in Australia is English. But also much people speaks Papua languages. The majority of the population is Christian but there also exist the Buddhism, Islam and other small relegions.
Frage von Saskia23 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 02.06.2010 - 20:49

Antwort von GAST | 02.06.2010 - 21:00
dein Text liegt für mich knapp unterhalb der Grenze des noch Korrigierbaren; du lieferst eine word-by-word-Übersetzung - ohne Berücksichtung der Tatsache, das Englisch und Deutsch verschiedene Ansprüche an den Satzbau stellen.
Da du wohl nie Vokabeln gelernt hast, hast du immer den ersten Eintrag aus einem Wörterbuch genommen - mit z.T. kuriosen Ergebnissen.
Bis wann muss dein Referat fertig sein?


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Antwort von Saskia23 (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.06.2010 - 21:02
Ja, Englisch ist nicht meine Stärke :S

Bis Freitag. Ist auch eher eine Hausaufgabe als ein Referat

Antwort von GAST | 02.06.2010 - 22:27
About 40.000 – 50.000 years ago Australia was populated by the Aborigines from South-East- Asia.
15000 year later they also populated the island of Tasmania which is .... near the south of Australia.
The Chinese where the first who had knowledge about Australia, they had already discovered Australia much earlier than ... Europeans. It is said that the first European in Australia was a Portuguese. But the main part of Australia was discovered by a Dutchman, Willem Jansz. Willem Jansz was in Australia for the first time in 1606. 36 years later the Netherlands- East Asian Company decided to survey
the continent. Abel Tasman thus discovered the island of Tasmania. The Dutch thought that the ground of Australia was too dry and fruitless and that’s the reason why they didn`t have any interest in making Australia .... their colony.
.... in 1770 JamesCook arrived in Australia and discovered ... fruitful ground.

Korrekturzeichen: fett = verbressert/eingefügt; ..." " = gestrichen

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