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Englisch Korrekturlesen

Frage: Englisch Korrekturlesen
(1 Antwort)

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Ein Bericht über das Buch "Das Parfum"

The book I want to tell you about is named „The Perfume” and is written by Patrick Süßkind.
The story is set in the eighteenth century in France and tells the extravagant life history of a man- named Jean Babtiste Grenouille- who is possessing a supernaturally sense of smell.
He barely escapes death at his birth and is forced to grow up without parents in an unemotionally and cold setting.
At this time he begins to discover the world with his nose.
Because of his magical scent (Geruchssinn) he is able to smell the approach of a thunderstorm, when there is not a cloud in the sky.
He can store and produce thousands of odors within himself and recreate them at will.
At the age of 8 he commits his first murder. His victim is a young girl. He kills her because of her wonderfull smell he wants to soak up in his mind.
But he doesn’t want these odors just smell. He also wants to collect them and keep them in a bottle. For this reason he apprentices himself to a popular perfumer who teaches him the ancient art of mixing precious oils and perfumes. After a while he can capture (einfangen) the smell of objects such as doorknobs or little animals like rats.
One day he meets a red-haired girl, whose smell he wants to own. She has the same smell like his first victim.
After several murder on 25 young virgins for practise, he is able copy the smells of humans.
His last victim is the red-haired girl. After the murder on her he created the unique perfume, which inspires everybody to love and popularity.
With the help of this perfume he can manipulate people and make everybody respect him. For this reason he has not been arrested for his crimes, everybody is convinced of his innocence.
But there is one thing this perfume cannot do. And this is the reason for the tragical end of the book.
Frage von Cheburaschka (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.05.2010 - 17:51

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.05.2010 - 19:40
The book I want to tell you about is called

The story is set in France in the eighteenth century (erst Ort,
dann Zeit)

called Jean Babtiste Grenouille (name heißt zwar nennen, aber im Sinne von erwähnen)

who possesses (Present Progressive nimmst du nur, wenn die Handlung gerade in diesem Moment stattfindet)

supernatural sense (supernatural bestimmt mit sense ein Nomen näher und ist folglich ein Adjektiv)

unemotional (bestimmt mit setting ein Nomen näher und ist folglich ein Adjektiv)

But he doesn’t just want to smell these odors (Objekt nach dem Verb)

traditional art (ancient heißt ja eher antik)

After several murders (ist bestimmt nur vertippt)

murder of 25 young

for the purpose of practice

Having murdered her (klingt schlanker), he creates (Zeit ist ja Present)

unique perfume which inspires (kein Komma, weil der Satz mit which für das Verständnis des gesamten Satzes nicht einfach weggelassen werden kann)

inspires everybody to love its wearer (ist sonst unklar, wer wen liebt)

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