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Klausuraufgabe Englisch

Frage: Klausuraufgabe Englisch
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they were meeting in the game room in back of adams home, a maid said as she ushered me through endless corridors to a room i´d not seen before.
it was big enough to hold a hundred people comfortably, and the dozen to fifteen kids seemed lost in the huge space. some were clustered around two large game tables, playing or kibbiting. others, iincluding adam, sat near a stone fireplace, talking and laughing. in the background i heard an old beatlesalbum playing. as soons as adam saw me he rushed forward, taking my hand and drawing me into the room. hey, everyone ! look whose here! the joan of arc of ray oteros class! Three cheers for amy. someone cried as everyone gahtered at the fireplace. the room rang with cheers. i covered my face in embarrassment, but not before noticing something odd. two of adams friend, troy crichton and dana ellerby, hadnt joined in the cheering. theyd stood there, slightlyapart, with strange, aloof, suspicious smiles on their faces. adam lit the woood in the stone fireplace and soon a roaring fire burned. we sat on leather chairs and sofas, or on the floor, and ate sandwiches from a silver tray. i sat on the floor, leaning against adams legs, and thought how very different it was from being a blue,how very pleasant. juan arrived late, looking around as if he felt uncomfortable. he gestured at the rich surroundings, the oriental rugs, the wall of books. the paintings. if this is the life of an orange, let me at it. adam gave him a strained smile and made a space for him near us. some of the kids tittered. troy and dana exchanged knowing glances. juan had always been forthright, but this observation made me uncomfortable. he was right, of course. if this was a gathering of really poor people, wed be meeting in a church hall, or in a tiny apartment smeliling of cooking and loud with the noises of too many people.
Die Frage lautet: by what means does the author create a special atmosphere?
Frage von Sefa52 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.03.2010 - 10:49

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