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Brauche eure hilfe in Englisch! Bitte!Dringend

Frage: Brauche eure hilfe in Englisch! Bitte!Dringend
(2 Antworten)

Hilft mir mal bei dieser Aufgabe bitte !

How could you interrupt politely in the following situations?What would you say?
1.The other person has just sais a word yoou don`t understand.(The context doesn`t help.)
2.It is difficult to catch what someone is saying because he/she is talking very fast.
3.You didn`t hear what was said because of a sudden noise.
4.Someone have just met tells you their name and address.You want to write it down correctly.
5.Your conversation partner keeps on getting your name wrong.

Das würde ich zu nr. schreiben:
1.I don`t understand you.Can you repeat that word?
2.Can you please speak a little bit slowier?
4.Can you spell me your name and address?

Helft mir mal Bitte,dass ales hier richtig zu machen und eventuell korrekturen zu meinen Antwort versuchen!
GAST stellte diese Frage am 25.02.2010 - 18:05

Antwort von GAST | 25.02.2010 - 18:12
1.Pardon,I don´t understand you; what does this word mean?
could you please talk a little bit slower
3.Pardon, could you pls repeat the last sentence?
4.Could you please spell your name and your address please?
5.Sorry, but it´s said "......"

Antwort von GAST | 25.02.2010 - 18:25
1. Excuse me, but could you explain this word please
2. Could you please speak slower?
3. Could you please repeat that?

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