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Frage: Korrektur Englischaufsatz
(9 Antworten)

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wir sollten nen Aufsatz im Stil einer Erörterung zum Thema "cloning" in Englisch schreiben (mind.
250 Wörter, meiner hat 390).
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Cloning is a very actual but also tricky theme. Without laws it could be possible to clone not complete humans but organs in a few years. Although having bad sites, I think cloning is possible in the near future. The most important question is, is it good to have laws that restrict this research or shouldn’t there be any obstacles?

Answering this question you have to say for what to use this technology. Almost every progress is also used in crimes, so it is sure that there are lots of disadvantages.
Cloning will destroy the importance of children. Creating offspring in any order it will destroy the feeling of having a child. Because of this, almost any human will handle little children like a thing, if it “breaks down” (dies) it is replaced by another. I think this way of thinking is diabolical; it has nothing in common with a feeling being, so humans will became crueler than they are today.
Knowing how to clone allows medicals to check people for genetic disease and correct them. If we know how to clone organs or even humans means that we understand the human body completely (maybe except the brain). Medicals will be able to check embryos up for disease and even abolish them. I think it is great, because it is very sad when humans die before they start to live yet.
Cloning humans might allow creating a “perfect” soldier. If we can actually “produce” humans we should be able to change their characteristics. Some criminals may try to create an indestructible human to take control over a country.
Producing organs synthetic will save lots of lives. If medicals are able to manufacture organs like they need them no more people will die because there isn’t any organ donor for them. I find it doleful if someone dies only because of one not-working organ. There are so many possibilities to make live easier with new organs. Also you could live longer with new hearts for example.

Summarizing I have to say that I think cloning in general is very positive and important for the future. But if we want to use it as an advantage for everyone there are lots of rules we have to consider. If not, the outcome will be horrible and maybe even destroy the feeling human being.

geht das oder was müsste da noch verändert werden?!
Frage von RoBeRt0 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 13.11.2009 - 13:14

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.11.2009 - 13:37
Cloning is a very actual but also tricky theme. Without laws it could be possible to clone complete organs in a few years. Although it has disadvantages, I think cloning will be possible in the near future. The most important question is, if it is good to have laws restricting this research or if there shouldn’t be any obstacles.

To answer this question it has to be said which use this technology could have. Almost every progress is also abused for crimes, so it is sure that there are lots of disadvantages.
Cloning will destroy the importance of children. Creating offspring in any order will destroy the feeling of having a child. Because of this, almost any human will handle little children like a thing. If it “breaks down” (dies) it will be replaced by another [If-Sätze folgen bestimmten Regeln...]. I think this way of thinking [think think - versuch es einmal zu ersetzen] is diabolical; it has nothing in common with a feeling being, so humans will become more cruel than they are today.

Knowing how to clone allows medicals to check people for genetic disease and correct them. If we know how to clone organs or even humans we will understand the human body completely (maybe except the brain). Medicals will be able to check embryos for disease and even abolish them. I think this is great, because it is always very sad when humans die before they have startes to live yet [=Signalwort für Present Perfect].
Cloning humans might allow creating a “perfect” soldier. If we can actually “produce” humans we should be able to change their characteristics. Some criminals may try to create an indestructible human to take control over a country.
Producing organs synthetically [bestimmt das Verb = Adverb] will save lots of lives. If medicals are able to manufacture organs as they need them people will not die anymore because there isn’t any organ donor for them. I find it doleful if someone dies only because of one which does not work. There are so many possibilities to make live easier with new organs. Also you could live longer with new hearts for example.

Summarizing I have to say that I think cloning in general is very positive and important for the future. But if we want to use it as an advantage for everyone there are lots of rules we have to consider. If not, the outcome will be horrible and maybe even destroy the feeling/sensitive human being.

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.11.2009 - 13:40
Ich hab hier und da ein wenig was verändert. Im Großen und Ganzen ist das so ok, es wäre allerdings schön, wenn du mehr Linkers benutzen könntest wie On the one hand/On the other hand, however etc.
Das mit dem Klonen von Kampfmaschinen solltest du mit zu den anderen Kontras packen.

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Antwort von RoBeRt0 (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.11.2009 - 13:40
hehe, danke, warn ja doch paar fehler drinne...

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Antwort von RoBeRt0 (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.11.2009 - 13:42
ich wollte aber meine argumente im wechsel heißt contra pro contra pro bring...!?

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.11.2009 - 13:47
Ja, kein Problem, dann musste das aber auch machen. Du bringst mit der Kriminalität und dem Gefühlsverlust zwei Kontras nacheinander.
Dann kommt das mit der Verhinderung von genetischen Krankheiten und das mit der Möglichkeit, das Funktionieren des menschlichen Körpers zu verstehen. Sind in meinen Augen zwei Pros, auch wenn das erste fast versteckt angebracht wird.
Dann die Soldaten und dann die Lebensrettungsmöglichkeiten durch neue Organe, hier ist tatsächlich ein Wechsel. xD

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Antwort von RoBeRt0 (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.11.2009 - 13:51
nee, es kommt mit den kindern als dinger (contra) dann krankheiten heilen (pro) dann über-soldat (contra) un dann wieder künstliche organe (pro)

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.11.2009 - 13:54
Naja, so kann man es auch sehen. Ich bleibe meiner Interpretation.

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Antwort von RoBeRt0 (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.11.2009 - 13:58
mhm, dann änder ich das noch, wenn ich mir sicher wär hätt ichs ja net reingestellt :)

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.11.2009 - 14:05
Das verlängert dann auch deine Erörterung, da es nicht ausreicht, einen Punkt nur zu nennen und dann zum nächsten überzugehen.

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