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Frage: englisch experience (report) pls help
(2 Antworten)

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HII, also wir haben eine Aufgabe ich stell sie mal kurz vor:

...write about your experience with Englisch

a.) Prepare to write a short report about your experience with English so far.

so nun mein Text (bitte verbesserungen danke=)) )

also: Englisch experience

I very like the english language and i often hear english music.
I have some english Friends and i writing often with them too.
sometimes i didn´t understand all what they say.
When i was 11 years old, i was 2 weeks in Kanada, i speak there english to communicate with the speakere there.

English is today a universal/world language, and you must have a little bit skills, because in many jobs you need english.

I personally can speak 5 languages.
i think, English is not so difficult to learn, the vocables are very important for your english. But you must know of course a little bit gramatic.

bitte verbesseren
dankee=))) :-*
Frage von NikolaPeach (ehem. Mitglied) | am 08.10.2009 - 15:44

Antwort von GAST | 08.10.2009 - 15:48
I really like the english language and i often hear english music.
I have some english Friends and i often chat with them
sometimes i do not understand everything tjey say.
When i was 11 years old, i was in kanada for 2 weeks.
in order to communicate with the people i had to speak english there.

Today english is a world language and you have to have english skills, because of the fact that english is needed in many professions.

I can speak 5 different languages.
i think, English is not so difficult to learn, the vocabulary is very important in order to speak english well. Of course you as well have to know gramatical matters.

Antwort von GAST | 08.10.2009 - 17:57
I really like the english language and I often listen to English music.
I have some English friends and I often write with them. (chat für reden/chatten write für Briefe, mails etc)
Sometimes I don`t understand everything they say.
When I was 11 years old, I spent two weeks in Kanada. There, I had to speak English to communicate with the people (living there).

Today, English is a (besser: one of the) world language, and you (almost, Verallgemeinerungen sind immer schlecht) have to have a little knowledge of the language, because (of the fact that) English is needed in many professions.

I can speak five different languages.
I think, English is not that difficult to learn; the vocabulary is very important for speaking Englisch (in order to speak english well/in a proper way). Of course, you have to know some grammar as well.

Ich würd vorschlagen, dass du deinen letzten Absatz beherzigst und dich mal ein bisschen mit Wortschatz und v.a.! Grammatik auseinandersetzt! Dafür, dass du min. 5 Jahre Englisch sprechen willst...
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