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kann das vllt mal bitte wer nachguckn?

Frage: kann das vllt mal bitte wer nachguckn?
(7 Antworten)

Wär nett wenn sich das jemand durchlesen könnte!
Würd mich freunen! Danke schonmal! Peace Any


What do you think about the relationship between Adrian and Mr. Lucas?
Would you act like Adrian?
Can you understand Adrian?

On the one hand Adrian doesn’t want to share his mum with Mr. Lucas, that’s normal, because he only wants that his parents try to be together again.
At the beginning he wasn’t really interested in his mum"s life, but now she’s away and he realizes that he loves and misses her.
Adrian thinks that Mr. Lucas stole a mother and a wife and he wants revenge.
On the other hand Adrian should understand that things change in life.
His dad has a new girlfriend, too but he isn’t mad at her.He’s only ,mad at Mr. Lucas but he shouldn’t be.
He should see that it is his mums fault,too because she left the family and she had an affair with Mr. Lucas. Because ins a relationship it always takes two.

2. How does the relationship between Adrian and his dad develop?
Look at page 82/83. "I couldn"t think of anything to say and neither could he."
Why do you think they don"t know what to say?

Since his mum left, the relationship between Adrian and his dad didn"t change. It"s still as bad as it was before.
Although they live alone now, and they should talk to eachother more and and get along better,
their relationship didn"t improve.
And that"s why they dont"n know what to say to eachother. Because it was always his mums job to
talk to Adrian about his problems and so on. His dad doesn"t know how to handle this situation.
He is swamped with the education of Adrian.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 12.04.2005 - 21:25

Antwort von GAST | 12.04.2005 - 21:27
soll mit dem Text sein?

Antwort von GAST | 12.04.2005 - 22:31
naja es kann ja sein, dass ich irgentwelche feher gemacht habe! Deswegen hab ich den reingestellt, damit mal jemand danach guckn kann!
Peace any

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Antwort von Isaac (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.04.2005 - 22:35
deswegen postest du so n mist hier rein nur damit du weisst ob du fehler gemacht hast...?!jetzt lass den text so.....

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Antwort von ammy (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.04.2005 - 22:45
hey was ist denn mit euch los?
sie hat doch nur ne frage mein gott

Antwort von GAST | 12.04.2005 - 22:47
Man man man warum regst du dich so auf? Ich wollt nur sicher gehen, dass ichmöglichst keine Fehler hab, weil ich muss das nen refert und das ersetzt ne arbeit und außerdem in sonem Forum soll man doch gerade sowas reinstelln, wenn man sich unsicher ist.....
Also regt euch nich so auf, sondern chillt

Antwort von GAST | 12.04.2005 - 23:02
His dad has a new girlfriend, too.(!)
But he isn’t mad at her
But he isn´t angry with her (wenn du Böse auf sie meinst)

He should see that it is his mums fault,too because she left the family and she had an affair with Mr. Lucas. Because ins a relationship it always takes two.

He should see that it is the fault of his mum, too, because in a relationship it always takes two.
She left her family and had an affair with Mr. Lucas.

2. How does the relationship between Adrian and his dad develop?

2. How does the relationship develop between Adrian and his dad?

Although they live alone now, and they should talk to eachother more and and get along better,
their relationship didn"t improve.

Although they live alone now and they should talk to each other more to get along better, so their relationship didn"t improve.

(Was soll der Satz eigentlich bedeuten..?)

And that"s why they dont"n know what to say to eachother. Because it was always his mums job to
talk to Adrian about his problems and so on. His dad doesn"t know how to handle this situation.
He is swamped with the education of Adrian.

And that"s why they don"t know what to say to each other, because it was always the job of his mum to talk to Adrian about his problems and so on. His dad doesn"t know how to handle this situation.
He is swamped with the education of Adrian.

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Antwort von Meras (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.04.2005 - 23:06
erstmal each other wird getrennt geschreiben
das kann man nciht so sagen: Adrian thinks that Mr. Lucas stole a mother and a wife and he wants revenge
was soll das heissen; change in life.
his dad found also a new partner.the problem is that he...

mad ABOUT(is the right preposition)
man macht nach "too" kein nebensatz mehr mit because zum beispiel

was soll der letzte satz heissen

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