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Brauch Hife bei Englischhausaufgaben!

Frage: Brauch Hife bei Englischhausaufgaben!
(3 Antworten)


ICh muss zu morgen diese Hausaufgabe machen.
(Ja ich weiß es ist ein bischen kurzfristig aber haben es heute erst bekommen)
Fragen stehen unter dem Text.
Danke schon mal im Vorraus

On average, people in Britain spend 230.6 minutes watching the television or video every day, which is more than in any other European country. These days, rather than talking about the weather, it is probably more accurate to say that telvision programmes provide a favourite topic of conversation for British people (according to market research, 46 per cent oft he Uk pouplation discuss telvision programmes with their friends or family). In many ways, television now seems tob e at the hub of „ the British way of life“, offering a structure and rhythm around which people may shape their leisure time. Nowadays, the success or otherwise of major national holidays such as Christmas and Easter is less likely tob e takled about in terms oft he quality of chruch services, than about the quality of programmes on television.
A traditional British Christmes has been characterised (or caricatures) through images oft he family (ranging across three generations) sitting in front oft he television after Christmas dinner, wachting the Queen´s Speech at 3 p.m. and then a classic film such as The Sound of Music or the Wizard of Oz. It is important not to understimate the status of these televisual myths in relation tot he attitudeswhich British people themselves express about national identity, an das a corollary of this, it i soften the case that anxieties about social decline are most readily articulated in terms of „falling standards“ on television. The concept of family viewin is a central stake in dbates about the role oft he BBC, a public-owned institution known tot he country as Auntie (suggesting its cosy, nanny-like persona). Ist i soften deplores in the press that current American or Americaninspired television shows, such as Baywatch, Blind Date an Gladiators, are usally the most popular porgrammes, shown in the prime time family viewing slots on early Saturday everings. In effect, programmes that are associated both with youth an American culture often seem tob e regarded as anathema as far as British family values are concerned.

1.Explain in your own words the way in which television defines „the British way of life“
2.Speculate on what is meant by „ American-inspired telvision shows“
3.Compare the „caricature“of a traditional British Christmas with ist German counterpart. What conclusions can you draw?
4.Project work. In groups, devise a quationnaire to determine the TV viewing habits of students in your year at school. Include questions whisch will allow you to make comparisons with claims made in this and the previous text. Combine the best from the different group’s questionnaires, and then carry out the survey. Report your findings tot he class
GAST stellte diese Frage am 19.02.2009 - 17:33

Antwort von GAST | 19.02.2009 - 17:36
Du glaubst doch nicht wirklich,
dass das irgendjemand für dich macht, oder? Ich kann verstehen wenn du etwas im Text oder in der Aufgabe nicht verstehst, aber die ganze Hausaufgabe machen? Versuch es doch erstmal selbst. Wir können ja dann vielleicht deinen TExt verbessern ;)


Beiträge 40306
Antwort von matata | 19.02.2009 - 17:37
Das wollte ich grad auch anmelden: Du arbeitest zuerst, dann kommt das Forum.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 19.02.2009 - 17:44
wenn du einzelne wörter nicht verstehst ist es eigentlich nicht weiter tragisch da sich diese meistens im zusammenhang erschließen lassen können also probiers mal aus.
Aufgabe 1 übersetzt:
1.) Erkläre mit deinen eigenen Worten was das TV(Fernsehen) mit den Worten "the british way of life"<-(der britische weg (des lebens/zu leben) definiert.

probiers halt dein lehrer wird schon nicht meckern du hast es ja versucht ;)


mfg skrotum86

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