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Frage: Korrekturlesen
(1 Antwort)


Ich muss morgen ein bisschen was über die britischen Tageszeitungen "Daily Mirror" und "The Times" erzählen.
Hab mir nun den Kram als Leitfaden aufgeschrieben, bin mir nur nicht sicher, ob das alles grammatikalisch korrekt ist. Wär lieb, wenn jemand, der gut Englisch spricht, mal drüberlesen könnte.

Liebe Grüße und danke..

The Daily Mirror is a British newspaper founded in 1903, launched by Alfred Harmsworth. You can compare it with the German “BILD”, because the main topics are similar. Mentionable topics are royalty, celebrities, sex, scandal, crime and sports. It is a very famous newspaper and mostly read by younger people from the middle or the lower class. The Daily Mirror is printed in a tabloid format, it is like the format of the “Hamburger Morgenpost”. Firstly it was a newspaper for women, run by women, but concerning its unsuccessfulness it changed into a pictorial newspaper. Today it is one of the best selling daily newspapers with the circulation of about 1,700.000 copies per day. In May 2004 the Daily Mirror published photos of British soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners at an unspecified location in Iraq. Later it turned out to be a hoax .Very interesting is the cover of the 4th November 2004 after the re-election of George W. Bush. The price is 20p.

The Times is a newspaper published since 1785. It was launched by John Walter and is a very conservative paper. The readership is mostly from the middle class and the readers are particularly middle aged. Main topics are politics, business, technology, health, sports and science. The London Times is the original Times newspaper, lending its name to many other papers around the world like the New York Times, The Times of India and The Irish Times. The London Times is the originator of the typeface “times new roman”. For 219 years it was printed in broadsheet format, but to appeal to younger readers it switched to a tabloid format in 2004. In addition to this, the Times began printing headlines in its new font “Times Modern” in 2006. The price is 90p on weekdays and the circulation is about 680.000 copies per day.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 03.02.2009 - 21:47

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Antwort von bunny6783 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.02.2009 - 22:07
also wir haben bei der daily mirror immer gesagt,
bzw allgemein zu tabloids, dass das auch oft leute lesen, die nicht viel zeit haben bzw die zeitung lesen, weil sie sich zb entspannen wollen oder entertainment wünschen und so aber ansonsten denk ich, dass das ganz gut ist was du geschrieben hast. hab deine artikel zwar nur überflogen aber mir sind jetzt meines erachtens keine fehler ins auge gesprungen die wirklich dramatisch wären ;)

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