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englisch-lückentext.bitte korrigieren.danke

Frage: englisch-lückentext.bitte korrigieren.danke
(1 Antwort)

Complete the following text, using : “can/ can not” or, where that is not possible, “manage to” or “(not) be able to.”

Last Monday Martin Pitt woke up with a sore throat.
He…1(can not)…get out of bed, but his legs were so weak that he…2(managed)… hardly stand. When his mother saw him, she said, “You …3(can not)… go to school – you have got a temperature.” “But Mr Carter has been trying to arrange a visit to a TV studio for weeks, and at last he…4(is able to) …fix it for Thursday,” Martin protested, “and we are going to prepare for it today and tomorrow. If I do not go to school today, I…5 (managed) visit the TV studio with the others.
Mrs. Pitt….6 (can) see how disappointed Martin was at the thought of not…7 (able to)go, so she said ”Well, you…8(can) ring up George now and ask him to make notes for you and bring them round. And if you stay in bed for a couple of days, perhaps you…9…(can) go back on Thursday”. “Oh, I do hope so, but the last time I had Flu I …10.(). go back to school for a fortnight. Let’s ask the doctor for something to help me to get well quicker,” Martin suggested. “Three are pills you…11(can).. take to bring down a high temperature,” Mrs Pitt agreed, “but Dr. Watts doesn’t like using them if it …12(is able to)… be avoided.”
On the telephone Dr. Watts said, “Of course it …13(managed).. be measles, but it is probably just a cold. “Fortunately it was, and Martin …14(can)… go to the TV studio with the others.

würde mich freuen, wenn sich das mal jemand angucken würde ;)
GAST stellte diese Frage am 20.01.2009 - 14:33

Antwort von GAST | 20.01.2009 - 14:46
1. müsste "can" heißen - denn im Kontext gesehen heißt "Er konnte aufstehen ABER seine beine waren so schwach, sodass er es nur schwer schaffte zu stehen

somit ist
2. manage mmn. richtig
3. mmn. richtig
4. abel ist nicht falsch, da möglich, aber ich würde manage bevorzugen - da er hinbekommen hat den termin auf dienstag zu legen. Hört sich meiner Meinung nach besser an als er war fähig dazu den Termin... (Sinngemäß)
5. manage wird wohl falsch sein. Sollte wohl can not oder not able to sein.
6. richtig
7. richtig
8. richtig
9. richtig
10. not be able to
11. richtig
12. richtig
13. can
14. be able to

Allgemein achte auf die Zeiten. Simple past can -> could, can not -> could ... etc.

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