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Englisch Lückentext

Frage: Englisch Lückentext
(6 Antworten)

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Ich muss diesen lückentext vervollständigen:
Charles Dickens lived in 19th__century__.
His novels played a considerable__role__ in__literature___ to draw people`s __character__ to the catastrophic living and working__condition__ of that time. He was the first __novelist__ to__write__ about the hardship which many people had to _suffer__ .(Ab hier komme ich nicht weiter!) He particulary ______ the_____ where the poor , homeless and other ____ people were _______ to live. Dicken`s novel A Christmas Carol has been _______ into nearly every ____ in the world and its _______are known everywhere.
Wörter zum einfügen: workhouse, role, literature, write, character, criticise, condition, century, attention,describe force, unfortunate help, translate, novelist, suffer

Vielen Dank schon mal!
Frage von Lisa724 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 13.01.2010 - 13:39

Antwort von GAST | 13.01.2010 - 13:40
Ja und, dann mach doch mal.
Wir korrigieren dann, ob`s richtig ist.


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Antwort von RichardLancelot | 13.01.2010 - 13:48
Könntest du irgendwie markieren welche Lücken du schon ausgefüllt hast? Ich denke ja mal das z.B. dieser Satz:
Charles Dickens lived in 19th__century__.
schon komplett ist, oder?

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Antwort von Lisa724 (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.01.2010 - 13:51
He particulary __attention__ the __workhouse__ where the poor , homeless and other __unfortunate__ people were __force__ to live. Dickens novel Achrismas Carol has been __criticise__ into nearly every __help__ in the world and its __translate__ are known everywhere.

Ist das richtig?

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Antwort von Lisa724 (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.01.2010 - 13:53
Ja der erste satz sowie bis suffer sind Fertig aber stimmt das überhaupt?

Beiträge 6130
Antwort von RichardLancelot | 13.01.2010 - 15:43
Mhh, also ich schätze das "character" falsch eingesetzt ist. An der Stelle sollte wohl eher "attention" stehen (Aufmerksamkeit auf etwas lenken).
Als weiterer "Tipp":
Dicken`s novel A Christmas Carol has been translated into nearly every language(taucht irgendwie nur nicht auf) in the world and its characters are known everywhere.

Antwort von GAST | 13.01.2010 - 19:47
Lisa, I`m so sorry for having been so rude to you. I have only seen those blanks " _ " and I have thought that those were the blanks to fill in the words at the bottom. You wroite: "ich muss einfügen.." You should have written: " ich habe eingefügt ..."

Now, we`ll see:
Charles Dickens lived in 19th__century__. His novels played a considerable__role__ in__literature___ to draw people`s __ATTENTION__ to the catastrophic living and working__conditionS__ of that time. He was the first __novelist__ to__write__ about the hardship which many people had to _suffer__ .(Ab hier komme ich nicht weiter!) He particulary DESCRIBED_the_WORKHOUSES where the poor , homeless and other _UNFORTUNATE_ people were FORCED to live. Dicken`s novel A Christmas Carol has been tRANSLATED into nearly every LANGUAGE in the world and its CHARACTERS are known everywhere.
Wörter zum einfügen: KEINE; ALLE; ALLE!


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