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Frage: korrekturlesen
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They grow up learning 2 different languages and are influenced by 2 different cultures.In most cases children tend to feel more connected to the country of origin of the parent that grew up abroad including the religion, habits and traditions.
The parents themsleves gain social advantages from these type of relationships, too. Dealing with cultural challenges on a daily basis make them more flexible, tolerant and open minded. In addition to this they use different ways of approach to solve a problem and take on foreign habits , which they learned from the other partner. These couples find it easier to integrate themselves into society. When both partners bring their friends into the relationship, they can learn and copy lifestyles from them, which is a positive asset to todays multicultural society. This lifestyle can give both halves of the relationship and advantage when looking for a job. As soon as businesses move with their company to other countries, they are looking for staff that has the ability to live and work there. Having knowledge of the language and society of that particular country, certainly makes a good impression in a CV or job interview. The process of globalisation has always been pushed forward by polictics. It seems to be more important to make a good impression beyong the county boundaries than within them.
Kids are influenced by intercultural activities day by day and this helps them developing an open personatlity, which is able to adopt other habits and respects others. By raising the child bilingual, a connection to mother and father is created, independent from their origin.
However, it doesn`t always work out that way and some negative aspects have to be taken into account. Sometimes the children do not feel connected to the "foreign" memeber of the family and they feel as if they don`t belong to anyone. They simply feel left outside alone or lost.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 18.01.2009 - 16:17

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