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Englisch, bitte mal Korrekturlesen ^^

Frage: Englisch, bitte mal Korrekturlesen ^^
(2 Antworten)

Hey. Konnt ihr meine Zusammenfassungen vom 3. Kapitel Fahrenheit 451 lese´n und verbessern? Vielleicht hat ja noch jemand das Buch gelesen und kann mir ein paar Verbesserungsvorschläge geben oder wichtige Details nennen, die ich unter Umständen vergessen haben?

Danke schon mal:

Part One
In the first part of the third chapter Montag has to burn his own house. Beatty orders him to do that. Mildred had put the alarm, but before the neighbours put the alarm, too.
Montag has to burn his house very slowly and should use the flame thrower.
Faber, who is still in the ear, because of the miniature radio, tells him to run away, but Guy can´t by reason his fears for the Hound. After the procedure, Beatty notices the radio in Montag´s ear. He wants to get them, but Montag wouldn´t give him the radio.
Montag take the flame thrower and liquefies Beatty. After that, when the Mechnical Hound arrive, he try to destroy him, too. Guy runs away, the police is after him. With great exertion he reaches a gas station. He enteres the men´s washroom and washes himself. The he hears a radio voice, which said, that the war has been declared. On his run he is thinking a lot, especially of Clarisse and her death and Mrs. Black.

Part 2:
The second part is about the escape of Montag and his talking with Faber.
On his way Guy ultimately arrives at the house of Faber. After a short conversation, in which Montag tells him about the incidents, Faber advises Montag to run in the countryside.
In the Tv the see that the police and the Mechnical Hound are after Guy. He gets some dirty clothes of Faber´s ones and runs away. He stops at a river, where he puts on the dirty clothes and floats downstream. When the Hound arrives at the river, Montag isn´t there any longer.
After a while he follows a railroad, notices that Clarisse walked there once a time.

Part 3:
In the third and last part of the third chapter and also of the whole book Montag meets congenial people, who likes him and want that Montag lives there with them.
After walking down the road he discovers a group of men, who are called the “Hobos”. They are very friendly to Guy. Due to the television reports they know him. So Montag and the other men sit in front of a Tv and see and hear what the police are doing. By reason that the police didn´t catch Montag, the Mechnical Hound attack an innocent passer-by, declare that the man is Montag and now he is dead. The “Hobos” are five men: Reverend Padover, the author Granger and the professors Clement, Simmons and West. They invite Montag to join them, when he has a book for all of them. He offers the Book of Ecclesiastes. In the meantime the war is over and the books ends with hope.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 08.01.2009 - 16:00

Antwort von GAST | 08.01.2009 - 16:23
finde ich im großen und ganzen sehr ordentlich, auch inhaltlich.
hier meine verbesserungsvorschläge:

Mildred had put the alarm, but before the neighbours put the alarm, too. - "but" imho fehl am platz, außerdem stilistisch nicht sehr schön. vorschlag: Mildred had put the alarm before the neighbours did.

should use the flamethrower - naja, er macht es ja auch. deswegen and uses the flamethrower oder has to burn his house [...] and use the flamethrower, um die konstruktion aus dem ersten teil beizubehalten.

Faber, who is still in the ear - finde ich eine seltsame formulierung. Faber, whom he can still hear [...]

but Guy can´t by reason his fears for the Hound. Ist auch komplizierter, als nötig, außerdem reason of sth. und fear of sth.
mein vorschlag: but Guy can`t because of his fear of the hound.

Montag take the flame thrower and liquefies Beatty. After that, when the Mechnical Hound arrive, he try to destroy him, too. - sonst kannst du das doch mit 3. pers. sg -s ;). außerdem ist to liquify (verflüssigen) in dem kontext nicht ganz richtig, eher to incinerate (einäschern).
Montag takes the flamethrower and incinerates Beatty. After that, when the Mechnical Hound arrives, he tries to destroy him, too.

The he hears - There he hears

and his talking with Faber. - talking als "Gespräch" ist recht abwertend. eher his conversation with Faber.

at the house of Faber. - bei personen vorzugsweise s-genitive: at Faber`s house

to run in the countryside. to oder into the countryside

In the Tv the see - On the Tv they see

He gets some dirty clothes of Faber´s ones - ich würde sagen Faber gives him some of his dirty clothes oder he gets some dirty clothes from Faber.

Clarisse walked there once a time. - once upon a time oder, passender, a while ago

Montag meets congenial people, who likes him - people ist plural, folglich who like him

the Mechnical Hound attack an innocent - attacks

declare that the man is Montag - declares, aber das macht ja nicht der hound, sondern die polizei, also the authorities declare

when he has - if he has

and the books ends with hope. - are you sure? in my opinion, it ends with total devastation ;)

Antwort von GAST | 08.01.2009 - 19:17
Vielen Dank für deine Mühen. Hast mir echt geholfen :)

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