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Frage: Text bitte korrigieren
(11 Antworten)

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Ich habe verschlafen, dass ich bis morgne ein Protokoll unserer letzten Englischstunde anfertigen muss, welche zu 10& in die Note einfließt.
Ich wäre also sehr dankbar, wenn mir jemand meinen dahingeschmierten Text korrigieren könnte, während ich versuche ihn weiter auszubauen.

Den weiteren Teil stelle ich dann noch rein.
WÄre super nett, wenn sich jemand finden könnte, der mir hilft meine Note zu retten.

During the period of the 11th December we focused on the caste system in Aldous Huxley’s novel “Brave New World”.
The World State bases on five castes whose member all differ in appearance, clothes, characteristics and jobs but in the same caste humans are uniform and even wear the same clothes.
The member of the highest caste called the “Alphas”, are all attractive and tall men who are powerfully built, deep-chested and springy (p.58, l.3-8). They have to wear grey clothes and with their attitude to work hard, their cleverness and intelligence (p.26, l. 22), they form the society’s elite which is in charge of the system.
The second caste is formed by the dark violet wearing “Betas” who are nearly attractive as the Alphas, so that those only have sex with the pneumatic Beta women. Although they practice intellectual jobs as well, they are not conditioned to work as hard as the Alphas do (p.26. l.24).
Thirdly the “Gammas” who are built quite normally, except a little proneness to a small physique.
They wear green clothes and work as porters or do the manual work that has to be done.
The fact that they have no names and even no individuality is the most significant difference to the upper castes.
Fourthly the “Delta” caste whose members are so subnormal that they are just able to read words not longer than one syllable. Furthermore they are conditioned to work as hangar-attendants or street workers (p. 57, l. 16). Besides their underdeveloped bodies they are to identify by their khaki clothes.
The lowest caste is formed by the black dressed “Epsilons” who are not able to read or write and they are even barely able to communicate normally. In conclusion they only practice simple jobs like liftman (p.51, l. 18) or porter (p.51, l. 27). Their Appearance is monkey like with their small deformed bodies.

In chapter 4 the contrast between the different castes becomes visible when Lenina, who regards Gammas at their work, says: “What an hideous colour khaki is […] I’m glad I’m not a Gamma” (p.55, l.7). This attitude was hypnopaedical taught to Lenina in her childhood to preserve the systems stability.
Besides the conflict between the castes are there other striking conflicts.
Frage von Twipsy (ehem. Mitglied) | am 15.12.2008 - 22:04

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Antwort von Lolliiii | 15.12.2008 - 22:05
Würde dir so gerne helfen,
aber Englisch... mhm überhaupt nicht mein Fach!

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Antwort von Twipsy (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2008 - 22:06
also alles kann und darf korrigiert werden. grammatik, rechtschreibung, etc. kann da gerade nicht so drauf achten, weil ich gerade panisch versuche mich an den stundenverlauf zu erinnern

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Antwort von C. Baerchen (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2008 - 22:12
solltest die zitate auch durch apostrophe kennzeichnen.
habe angefangen, das zu korrigieren, da ich aber das buch nicht kenne und die zitate nicht markiert sind, ist es für mich für bne gescheite korrektur etwas dumm^^

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Antwort von Twipsy (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2008 - 22:14
das sind in der regel keine zitate. also die seitenangaben sollen nur verdeutlichen wo ich meine informationen her habe aus dem buch. sind also keine direkten zitate.
muss ich also nicht in anführungszeichen setzen, oder?

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Antwort von C. Baerchen (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2008 - 22:16
im deutschen heisst es dann (vgl s.70 z15)... ist es im englischen da nicht ähnlich?(zB durch (compare p.70) oder so?)

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Antwort von Twipsy (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2008 - 22:17
gute frage^^ weiß ich nicht...
jemand anders?

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Antwort von Twipsy (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2008 - 22:21
weiß jemand wie man:
"die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten" übersetzt?
zumindest so sinngemäß?

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Antwort von C. Baerchen (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2008 - 22:22
that/who couldnt be more different (at all)

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Antwort von Twipsy (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2008 - 22:26
alles klar. sonst verbesserungen am text? ist super wichtig.

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Antwort von C. Baerchen (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.12.2008 - 22:40
During the period of the 11th December we focused on the caste system in Aldous Huxley’s novel “Brave New World”.
The World State bases on five castes whose member differ in appearance, clothes, characteristics and jobs, but humans in the same caste are uniform and even wearing the same clothes.
The member of the highest caste are called the “Alphas”, they are all attractive and tall men who are powerfully built, deep-chested and springy (cf. p.58, l.3-8). They have to wear grey clothes and have an attitude to work hard, moreover they are clever and intelligent (cf. p.26, l. 22) They form the society’s elite which is in charge of the system.
The second caste is formed by the dark violet wearing “Betas” who are nearly attractive as the Alphas, so that those only have sex with the pneumatic Beta women. Although they practice intellectual jobs as well, they are not conditioned to work as hard as the Alphas (cf. p.26. l.24).
Thirdly the “Gammas” who are built quite normally, except a little proneness to a small physique.
They wear green clothes and work as porters or do the manual work that has to be done.
The fact that they have no names and even no individuality(Anm. Ich dachte die seien alle in ihrer kaste uniform?!) is the most significant difference to the upper castes.
Fourthly the “Delta” caste whose members are so subnormal that they are just able to read words not longer than one syllable. Furthermore they are conditioned to work as hangar-attendants or street workers (cf. p. 57, l. 16). Besides their underdeveloped bodies they are to identify by their khaki clothes.
The lowest caste is formed by the black dressed “Epsilons” who are not able to read or write - they are even barely able to communicate normally. In conclusion they only practice simple jobs like liftman (cf. p.51, l. 18) or porter (cf. p.51, l. 27). Their Appearance is monkey-like with their small deformed bodies.

In chapter 4 the contrast between the different castes becomes visible when Lenina, who regards Gammas at their work, says: “What an hideous colour khaki is […] I’m glad I’m not a Gamma” (p.55, l.7). This attitude was hypnopaedical taught to Lenina in her childhood to preserve the systems stability.
Besides the conflict between the castes there are other striking conflicts. (waaas?)

is sicher immernoch nich fehlerfrei,aber nen paar kleinigkeiten hab ich verändert^^

Antwort von GAST | 15.12.2008 - 23:57
Im Englischen kürzt man das deutsche "vgl." als "cf." ab... ach, Baerchen hat´s schon drin. Hier meine Korrektur, leg doch die und die vom Baer nebeneinander und such dir raus, was du gebrauchen kannst. Wenn sich was doppelt, nicht wundern. Ich hab die obige Korrektur absichtlich nicht gelesen, das beeinflusst. ;)

In our lesson on 11th December, we mainly focussed on the caste system in Aldous Huxley`s novel “Brave New World”.
The World State in the novel is based on a system consisting of five castes with members of each caste sharing common characteristics, clothes, jobs and appearances.
All members of the "Alpha" caste are males, attractive and tall. They wear grey clothes and are powerfully built, deep-chested as well as springy (p.58, l.3-8). With their attitude to work hard, their cleverness and intelligence (p.26, l. 22), they form society’s elite and are in charge of the system.
Following the caste system´s hierarchy, the second caste is formed by the “Betas” wearing dark violet clothes, who are nearly attractive as the Alphas; the latter only have sex with pneumatic Beta women.
Although they hold intellectual jobs as well, they are not conditioned to work as hard as Alphas do (p.26. l.24).
“Gammas” are built quite normally, notwithstanding their slight proneness to a small physique. They wear green clothes and work as porters or do the kind of manual work that simply has to be done.
As opposed to the upper cases (Alphas and Betas), Gammas are specifically marked by the fact that they have no names and, even more important, no individuality.

The fourth caste, the “Deltas”, consists of members who are so "subnormal" that they are just able to read one-syllable words. They are conditioned to work as hangar-attendants or street workers (p. 57, l. 16). In addition to their underdeveloped bodies, Deltas can be identified by their khaki clothes.

The lowest caste is formed by the “Epsilons” dressed in black. They are neither able to read nor write; and they are barely able to communicate normally. In conclusion, they only hold simple jobs like liftmen (p.51, l. 18) or porters (p.51, l. 27). The narrator describes their appearance as monkey-like due to their small and deformed bodies.

In chapter four, the contrast between the different castes becomes visible when Lenina, who watches Gammas at work, says: “What an hideous colour khaki is […] I’m glad I’m not a Gamma” (p.55, l.7).

This attitude was INSTILLED IN Lenina during her childhood to preserve the systems` stability. (Das meinst du hier, denke ich, mit "hypnopaedical")
The conflict between the castes is not the only striking conflict in the novel, but a prevalent one. (Anmerkung hierzu: sonst klingt das so, als käme jetzt noch was zu den anderen Konflikten, tut´s ja aber nicht.)

Allgemein: du neigst dazu, an einigen Stellen Artikel oder Pronomen zu setzen, wo er im Englisch nicht hindarf. Z.B. "called THE Alphas", "they form THE society´s elite" oder auch später "Gammas at their work".

Now you go. :)

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