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Frage: englisch text korrigieren
(19 Antworten)


habe hier nen text geschrieben aber habe iwie das gefühl, dass der eine oder andere Fehler da ist ^^ könnt ihr bitte auf grammatik rechtschreibung und so achten bzw korrekruten vornehmen?


What happens if your daddy dies?

A boy ( I give him a name and call him Jason) is sitting cross legged on his bed with a photo book (fotoalbum) and chocolate.
(wusst nicht wie ich ein stück schoko schreiben sollte ... kenne nur a bar of ... oder geht a piece?) His father dies a violent death for 4 years ago. Today is his father birthday and he is especially sad and frustated, because he cant gratulate him to his birthday and its remember him of the death of his father. Every birthday he looks taken photos og his father and himself. It helps him to overcome his unhappieness. Jason is very proud of his father, because he has thought him how to play football ! he is a great player in his squad, too. Other people like colse freinds in todays society cant understand the situation of this boy. The most sasy that the teenager is unhappy of cause his football team has lost a match for example.
The photo could be from a film, too. It would be a scene in a film when he has a match on his faters birthday and cant concentrate to the match, because he must already think about the death of his father, he returns to his room to be alone and to have time for hisself.
In future nearly in 10 years, i believe that jason become a very popular football star and helps other kids to overcome their cares !

hoffe dass der text nicht allzu schlecht ist ... habe bei manchen texten das gefühl dass da was gebröckelt ist ^^

hoffe könnt mir helfen
GAST stellte diese Frage am 14.08.2008 - 16:41

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 16:51
piece of chocolate
was willst du sagen,
wie er gestorben ist? so gehts nicht
außerdem brauchst du vergangenheit wegen "ago"
his father`s birthday
he can`t
it remembers him
sadness? despair? unhappyness klingt schräg
he has taught him
concentrate on
time for himself
I believe that in the future, maybe in ten years, jason will become...and will help

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 16:54
okay :D danke für die erste hilfe ^^

will eig sagen, dass er durch ein verbrechen oder sowas gestorben ist ^^ dass er halt durch gewalt getötet worden ist oder so was in der art ^^

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 16:58
ah ok ergibt sinn :-)
he became the victim of a crime?
was killed in an accident?
ah jetzt versteh ichs. es muss heißen
he died a violent death 4 years ago

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:02
okay :D das hört sich schon mal besser an ^^

ist sonst noch was zu verbessern sodass es auf gymnasium niveau ist ^^ muss mich noch in der schule abfinden und möcht dass vllt paar sätzte vllt bissl umgeändert werden von den vokabeln, satzbau oder so, dass es sich besser anhört ^^

kann man da was umstellen oder ist alles so okay?

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:03
deine sätze sind leider zu undeutlich, der bezug stimmt oft nicht
z.b. today is his father`s birthday and the boy is especially sad because he can`t wish his father happy birthday (gratulate gibt`s nicht). This day always remembers the boy of his father`s death

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:07
-(I`ll give him a name and call him...)
-His father died a violent death 4 years ago
-Today it`s his father`s birthday
-It remembers him of
-He looks at the photos of his father and himself
-It helps him to get rid of his sadness
-has taught
-Close friends and other people don`t understand his situation
-Most of them think Jason is unhappy because his football team lost a
-The photo could show a movie scene
-Can`t concentrate on the match because he`s always thinking about
-time for himself
-I believe that in future,e.g. in 10 years,jason will become

Die Sachen sind mir aufgefallen ;-)

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:10
danke hanuta :D auch nicht schlecht ;) find ich gut ^^

sonst noch was? ^^

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:11
ok weiter gehts ich entdeck immer wieder neue sachen *lach*
with a photo album and a piece of choclate in his hands
every year, on the date of his father`s birthday, he looks at photos showing him and his father.
Other people in today`s society, like close friends (ergibt irgendwie keinen sinn oder?)
The most <-> die meisten? --> Most people say....
The photo could be taken out of a film
because he must always think about oder?

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:13
oops fehler
photos that show heißts... :-)

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:15
okay mal ne frage zu den closed friends ... was heisst das eig .. in meinen buch steht ... als das ist ne aufgabe .... und dazu haben wir viele bilder .. hab mir eins ausgesucht ...

serval years later the girls and boys show their photo to a close friend. what might they sayabout the photo?

was bedeutet close freind ... ist das ne person von denen er nichts damit zu tun hat ... oder wie? ^^

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:20
nahestehende personen/ gute /enge freunde

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:22
mist xD ich hab genau das gengenteil gedacht ... dachte close = ausgeschlossen xD

naja ... ehm ... jo was kann ich den hin schreiben

Other people like colse freinds in todays society cant understand the situation of this boy. The most sasy that the teenager is unhappy of cause his football team has lost a match for example.

das muss wohl weg und muss das dann anders schreiben ... also enge freunde ^^ wie kann ich das den machen ? habt ihr tipps?

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:25
schmeiss die sätze raus und überleg dir was sinnvolles auf deutsch
und dann übersetzen

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:30
Other people like colse freinds in todays society cant understand the situation of this boy. The most sasy that the teenager is unhappy of cause his football team has lost a match for example.

so das muss raus und hier das neue

Other people like close friends have compession for him, because they could imagine the actually situation of this boy and are happy that they havent this fate.

wie wärs damit? vllt fällt euch noch was zu ein? bzw dir corinnaaa ^^

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:36
they have compassion for
wenn dann the actual situation --> eigentliche situation?
that they are not affected by a fate like this

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:38
eig meinte ich die aktuelle situation ^^

kannst mir nen gefallen machen und nen ganzen satz schriben pls ^^ ist wenigstens etwas übersichtlicher ^^

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:42
Other people like close friends have compassion for him, because they could imagine how the boy feels in his current situation of this boy and they are happy that they are not affected by a fate like this / don`t share a fate like this

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:42
a little push ..........

Antwort von GAST | 14.08.2008 - 17:43
Other people like close friends have compassion for him, because they could imagine how the boy feels in his current situation and they are happy that they are not affected by a fate like this / don`t share a fate like this
so etz stimmts

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