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Englisch Referat zu US Wahlkampf 2008 bitte korrigieren! =)

Frage: Englisch Referat zu US Wahlkampf 2008 bitte korrigieren! =)
(4 Antworten)

Ich suche Englisch Cracks die mir weiterhelfen können!
Ich muss ein Referat in ENglisch halten und habe als Thema den aktuellen Verlauf des US Wahlkampfes ausgesucht.

Könnte das wohl einer von euch Englisch Profis mit kritischem Blick durchchecken auf Grammatikfehler, Wortfehler usw.
... ;)

Wäre echt super! :)

-I want to give you a short presentation about the latest political news in the USA
- as you all know from the media, Barack Obama will be the presidential candidate of the democrats
- because of his election victory in Montana yesterday, Obama has an uncatchable advance of the second democrat, Hillary Clinton
-but Clinton still refuses to say that she has lost and wants to fight on
- however, some friends of Hillary believe that she wants to apply for the vice-presidency to become the assistant of Barack Obama
-It is the first presidential candidature of a black man in the history of the United States and therefore a historic moment and a political sensation
- Obama started as an underdog, because many people said that Obama is too unskilful, that means he has no experiences, he is too young and in addition to it he is too black
-but he has made it and now there is the election campaign between the Democrat Barack Obama and the Republican John McCain
-the election is at the 4th of November 2008 and will select the 44th President of the United States
-the last survey of USA Today sees Barack Obama in front of John McCain, but only very tight
-because of that there is no favourite and the resulting cannot be predicted

now I want to give you an insight into the different election manifesto of Barack Obama and John McCain

-appeals to the basic values of America
-> he believes in:
- equality of the people
- right to live
- right for liberty
- pursuit of happiness
(as in the declaration of independence)
on top of this he wants to withdraw the US–forces out of Iraq
-Obama is famous for his slogan:
“Yes, we can do!” and “Change we can believe in”

in contrast to Obama there is:
John McCain
-he wants to continue the war and even raise the forces, that means
he wants to send more soldiers to Iraq
- as most of the blacks in the USA, Obamas’ ancestors come to America, more precisely his father Barack Obama senior, who was born in Africa and married a white American woman, although, at that time in America it was forbidden to marry a black person
-but now Obama is a role model for many black people in America
GAST stellte diese Frage am 04.06.2008 - 22:21

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Antwort von FireStorM (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.06.2008 - 22:26
jetz kein englisch experte ^^ würde aber wenn das ein referat is am schluss deine eigene meinung ueber deinen favoriten (meiner wäre obama) würde dann noch begründen weshalb.... z.b. er ist mein favorit weil er jung ist und gegen den krieg.

Antwort von GAST | 04.06.2008 - 22:50
danke für deine antwort! :)

jau das werd ich machen! kurzes statement! :)
und sonst ist der Text sprachlich richtig?
UNd kann ich im Englischen schreiben "black people" ?
weil im Deutschen soll man den Begriff "Schwarze" ja eher vermeiden.

Antwort von GAST | 04.06.2008 - 23:00
-she wants to go on fighting.
-underdog: I think you should express it differently: it may be inappropriate.
-The election is on the 4th of November
-the results cannot be.....
-His ancestors came to America
-Ansonsten ist es dir sehr gut gelungen: good job :)

Antwort von GAST | 04.06.2008 - 23:18
thank you! =)
hab ich ja nochmal glück gehabt, dass ich noch nen Englisch Profi getroffen habe! :)

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