Referat: Der Englische Kanal (auf englisch)

Divison of the speak : 1.Something
2. Formation of the channel
3. Historical significance
4. The tunnel (Eurotunnel) and the ferrys
5. A worldrecord
1. . The English Channel is the part of the Atlantic Ocean that separates the island of Great Britain from northern France, and connects the North Sea to the Atlantic. In French it is called La Manche ("the sleeve"). It is about 350 miles long and at its widest point it is 240 km (150 miles). The Strait of Dover is the narrowest point, only 34 km (21 miles), from Dover to Cape Gris-Nez.
The Channel Islands lie in the Channel, close to the French side. The Ile d'Ouessant marks the western end of the Channel.
The coastal resorts of the Channel, such as Brighton and Deauville, inaugurated an era of aristocratic tourism in the early 19th century which developed into the democratic seaside tourism that has shaped resorts around the world.
Cross-Channel trade has been a significant factor for societies on both sides of the Channel from prehistoric times, and a number of important ports have developed in England and in France:
Dieppe, France
Le Havre
2. Before the end of the last ice age, around 10 000 years ago, the British Isles were part of Europe.
As the ice sheet melt, a large fresh-water lake formed in the southern part which is now the North Sea. The outlow channel from the lake entered the Atlantic Ocean in the region of Dover and Calais.
At some point around 6500 BC, catastrophic erosion swept away the chalk to create the English Channel, which has since been further widened by wave action on the soft, chalk cliffs. The same mechanism continues to widen the English Channel today.
The Channel has been a natural defence for Britain, a fact that is referred to in William Shakespeare's play Richard II:
This precious stone set in the silver sea,Which serves it in the office of a wallOr as a moat defensive to a house,Against the envy of less happier lands
–Richard II. Act 2, Scene 1.
It has allowed Britain to intervene but rarely be dangerously threatened in European conflicts. Without the gap Napoleon and Hitler would have been able to overcome the powerful enemy that the British state represented.
Nevertheless, the Channel has been the scene of many invasions (or attempted invasions) including the Norman Conquest, the Spanish Armada, and the WWII Normandy landings.
The Channel has been the scene of many naval battles, including the Battle of Portland, the Battle of La Hougue and the engagement between USS Kearsarge and CSS Alabama.
However, at times the Channel has served as a link joining shared cultures and political structures, from pre-Roman Celtic society, the Roman imperial culture, the foundation of Brittany by settlers from Great Britain, to the Anglo-Norman state.
4. Nowadays, many travelers cross the English Channel from below, by way of the Channel Tunnel or "Chunnel". This grand engineering feat, first proposed in the time of Napoleon, connects England and France per rail.
It is now routine to travel between Paris, Brussels and London on the Eurostar train.
Also there are many other tunnels to cross the English Channel.
Important ferry routes are
Portsmouth-Le Havre
Poole-Saint Malo
Weymouth-Saint Malo
A ferry takes 70min to get over the Channel. A Hovercraft takes 35 min for the crossing.
5. On January 7, 1785 a frenchman called Jean-Pierre Blanchard and an american called John Jeffries traveled from Dover, England to Calais, France in a gas balloon. They were the first who crossed the English Channel by air.
The first person who crossed the channel by swimming was Matthew Webb in 1875.
On August 6, 1926, Gertrude Ederle became the first woman to accomplish this feat, breaking the men's record of the time by two hours.
In 1909, Louis Bleriot from France was the first person who went over the English Channel in a heavier-than-air aircraft.
In 1979, a 75-pound airplane called the Gossamer Albatross won the £100,000 Kremer prize for being the first human-powered airplane to fly over the Channel. The pilot Bryan Allen pedaled for 3 hours to accomplish this feat.
On July 31, 2003, Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner, wearing high-tech carbon wings, jumped out of a plane 30,000 feet above Dover, England, freefalled over the Channel, and opened his parachute above Calais, France.
On 14th June 2004, Sir Richard Branson broke the World Record for crossing the Channel in an amphibious vehicle. The Gibbs Aquada, a two seater, open top sports car, in which he did it, broke the record by 6 hours.
Dies ist ein Referat über den Englischen Kanal (auf Englisch). Das Referat ist in 5 wichtige Punkte unterteilt.
Divison of the speak:
2. Formation of the channel
3. Historical significance
4. The tunnel (Eurotunnel) and the ferrys
5. A worldrecord (829 Wörter)
Divison of the speak:
2. Formation of the channel
3. Historical significance
4. The tunnel (Eurotunnel) and the ferrys
5. A worldrecord (829 Wörter)
von unbekannt
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