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Referat über Sydney auf Englisch

Alles zu AUD - Australien allgemein


Information over Sydney
Population: 4,293 millions (2012)
Founded: January, 26th 1788
Surface: 12. 368 km²
Sydney is the capital of the Australian federal state of New South Wales
Places of interest: Sydney Opera House, Town Hall, Harbour Bridge
Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House one of the most famous buildings of the 20th century and the landmark of Sydney.

Town Hall
The mayoress is Clover Moore

The town hall was built in the 1800th.
Sydney Harbour Bridge
Sydney officially open on the 19th of March, 1932 Harbour Bridge shows the main connection between north coast of Sydney and south coast about the harbour of Sydney and becomes from locals simple " coat hanger".


federal state
Town Hall



Es geht um alles rund um Sydney.Mit Fläche, Einwohnerzahl, ....
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