'The Aboriginal myth of the creation of the world' als HTML-Datei...
"The Aboriginal myth of the creation of the world"
The first step of the creation of the world is the "Dream Times". At that time the whole world has been empty and lifeless. There was no biological life, no water or anything else, just a flat platform without any texture or deformations up to the horizont. Then out of nowhere giants came, with a plenty of different appearances. They looked like animals, insekts or plants, but at all behaved and made up their mind like real human beeings do. All the time they did a lot of travelling around that platform, living their lifes the way, the Aborigines still do. They made fire, camped, digged for water, etc. and wherever they have been, that flat platform changed and became some geographical feature or some kind of landmark.
'The Aboriginal myth of the creation of the world' - Eine kurze Erklärung (auf Englisch), wie die Erde nach den Vorstellungen der Aborigigies entstanden ist. (301 Wörter)
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Aboriginal myth of the creation of the world | Englisch | English | Erklärung | Entstehung der Welt | Aboriginies | Aboriginis
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Es handelt sich hier um einen fremden, nutzergenerierten Inhalt für den keine Haftung übernommen wird.
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