Discussion about euthanasia

Interviewer: Currently euthanasia is causing a big stir. So, what’s your opinion about euthanasia?
Elderly couple: We are strongly against euthanasia. Assisted suicide attacks the values that bind society together. It’s common in our society that you try to help others and not to shorten one’s life. Also in the bible is written that you should get punished and that you come in the purgatory if you commit suicide. And if you assist suicide it’s the same. Euthanasia should be allowed.
Mother: I can’t believe that you would want to be kept alive with machines when suffer such huge pain and it’s sure that will die anyway, sooner or later. About one year ago I lost my 10 year old child, because of cancer. Before that time I’ve never thought about euthanasia. But when I saw my little child suffering in treatment bed, being kept alive with machines, I hoped that he would pass away earlier. Earlier I didn’t even think that there would come a time when I wished that my child should die. But the pain is so big and you can’t call that condition life. It’s inhuman. I begged the doctor for switching off the machines but he didn’t do that. It’s his fault that my child had to suffer such great pain before it perished.
Priest: The only rational persons in this circle is the couple. They’re completely right. It attacks all values of society and also the 5th commandment says that you should not kill.
Write a discussion about euthanasia. Pro and Cons. (313 Wörter)
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