Shakespears "Sonnet 18"

Interpretation of William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18
William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 is about a comprehension of a summer’s day and “thou”.
He describes the summer’s day like a beautiful thing, but not so beautiful, than “thou”.
This is shown by the expressions rough winds shake buds, often is gold complexion dimmed, also he say’s, that the nature will lose its beauty.
The opposite “thou” is described more lovely and with eternal beauty, this shows, that this is a “higher quality” that the nature.
But who is thou?
You can say, that you are thou, because this is the translation of this, but it could also be this Sonnet, or poems in general. This means, that the Sonnet is the most beautiful and eternal thing in the world, and if this is true, the poet, William Shakespeare will be eternal, too, because he survive with this Sonnet and will be in our minds for ever.
It’s a wonderful poem and I think everyone should know this famous and beautiful little Sonnet.
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Interpretation von Shakespears Sonnet 18 (199 Wörter)
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