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George orwell

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George Orwell
George Orwell, with civil name Eric Blair, is born in Motihari in Bengalia in 1903 as a son of a British colonialofficer. After his familie`s return t their mothercountry and after the boardingschooleducation he visits the college in Eton. After that, however, Orwell does not start the studies at the university, but applies for trainig in the British colonialservice in order to run the same career as his father. He becomes a policeofficer in 1922 and deos his service for the Epire in Burma for five years. During this time, Orwell realized for whose interrests he has to fight here far away from his country. He gets to know quickly that he is on the wrong site and so he leaves his service as soon as possible in 1927.
From his youth on, Orwell had always been fond of writing, but on the other hand scaptic towards his ability as a novelist. But his experience in the colonialsrvice made him raise his voice to support the oppressed peoples. First of all he does social studies as an underdog in Paris and London. His first novel "Down an Out in Paris and London" appears in 1933.
In the following decade, Orwell becomes one of the most important authers of the political left side, dreaming of the a better society in England without oppositions of classes. At that time, he thinks that the Soviet communism might be a solution of all social problems. In 1936 he joins the POUM (a marxist group of the International Brigades) in the Spanish civilwar. There he sees that the Spanish communnists, who are supported by Stalin, are not willing to tolorate any other ideas. Orwell must realize that totalitarism is a bad evil which always destroys the most beautiful ideals. He returns to England, disappointed from his fight for communism.
From 1938 to 1945, he permanently fights against the lies of the officel Soviet propaganda which at that time is even belived by many people in Great Britain. So he has great difficulties in explaning the terrible Soviet tyranny to his English timemates.
In his two most important novels "Animalfarm" and "1984", he describes how totalitarien goverments can destroy enery human freedom.
Orwell had, up to his death in 1950, always been on the left political wing but in the end he fighted for a practical changing of the bourgois democratic society. The creation of a broad middleclass and the lifting of the general intellectual level seemed to him the conditions to realize the dream of a better human society.
Biographie von George Orwell (Eric Blair) auf Englisch. (427 Wörter)
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