The Pigman - Lesetagebuch

The Pigman, Paul Zindel - Lesetagebuch
Lorraine Jensen
Miss Reillen (Cricket)
Franklin High School
Franklin High School (library)
- lower grade John makes prank (Streiche) for example: he was a bathroom bomber and roll fruits in the substitute lesson with other classmate
- Lorraine look sad (about death Pignati) => John will help her => and write with her the story about (Mr. Angelo) Pignati
- Lorraine describe John
- She convinced that smoking is an infantile
- later she describe herself
- Lorraine tell how she get to know John
(Dennis Kobin)
(Norton Kelly)
(Lorraine Jensen)
friends home
(Norton Kelly, Dennis Kobin)
· Lorraine want be a writer
· altogether make phone gags (Wednesday afternoon by Dennis)
(Sunday by Norton)
· Lorraine has picked out the phone number from Pigman
· Lorraine and John haven’t murdered him (Pigman)
· Maybe they speeded things up a little (death of Pigman)
Dennis Kobin
Norton Kelly
Lorraine Jensen
Mr. Angelo Pignati
friends home
- Lorraine tell something about Norton and Dennis
- She describe Norton (eyes as a mouse, pretty big, John hate Norton, he is outcast, his nickname: Marshmallow, he has the idea for phone marathons)
- Lorraine search out Mr. Pignati by the phone marathon (she cheated)
- She call Mr. Pignati and ask for a small donations
- Lorraine say it is the Lorraine and John Fund (L and J Fund)
- Mrs. Pignati is in California, her favourite joke : the best get-well cards
- Lorraine thinks Mr. Pignati is lonesome
- John and his parents lies
- Mr. Pignati will send 10 Dollar to the "L and J Fund”
- John will now talk with Pignati because he will the money (and took the telephone receiver (Telefonhörer)
Lorraine Jensen
false name: Miss Trueman (Lorraine)
Mr. Wandermeyer (John)
John’s home, Pignatti home
- Mr. Pignati had invented Lorraine and John (over) to his house the next day
- Norton one who finally caused all the trouble
- John is at home his mother and father are berserk (because the phone-lock with glue)
- Lorraine and John go to Mr. Pignati
- Pignati seemed glad to see Lorraine and John
- John and Lorraine play a game with Pignati (remember 10 things)
- Pignati ask if Hon and Lorraine want to go to zoo with him
- Pignati shows collection of his pigs
left the Pigman house, Tony Market, Lorraine’s House
- John cashed the check and got a six-pack of beer and pack of cigarettes
- Lorraine and John doesn’t go to school
- They go with Mr. Pignati in the zoo
- Mr. Pignati show his "best friend” Bobo (Bob is a monkey)
- John and Lorraine are in the zoo
- After the zoo – visit the met Norton and Dennis
- Drunk a beer at the cemetery
- John and his father have a discussion about the future of John (want be an actor)
- Chonchetta’s funeral bill the found
- Pigman say that she dies
- Chonchetta make not a Journey => she is death
- Pigman => tell about the creditcard
- Lorraine can’t cook
- Mother take something from her patients
- Delikatessenabteilung 8. Stockwerk (Kaufhaus)
- John and Lorraine should choose something
- Lorraine hasn’t buy anything for herself
- Pigman buy for Lorraine 3 pack Nylonstrümplfe (Lorraine would like something for her motherGr. 11)
- Toybay (Spielwarenabteilung), Animalbay (Tierabteilung), 3 monkey, names they Bobo
- Pigman sportbay => buy roller-skates for all 3 John and Lorraine have wear in the department store
November Masters Tomb
- Norton and John hate each other
- Cro –Magnon man (Norton)
- Norton play with dolls as kid
- Norton with ten years go berserk
- Norton was specialist in the five finger discount (freshman)
- Met on the cemetery
- Norton would steal electric stuff by Pigman
- John drink with 10 years beer
Lorraine home
Pigman house
- Everyday the meet Pigman after the school (in Pigman house)
- Lorraine her that => told mother that she was at the Latin club and missed the bus
- Bobo wouldn’t eat, sad Pigman
- Pigman and John look a television show
- John told that he and Lorraine lie to Mr Pignati
- (say the true of both) John and Lorraine fund
- Lorraine told the full story
- Pigman told Chonchetta is death
- Pigman tell a murder story (game)
- All together take skater and drive in the house
- Pigman follow John => become not air
Pigman house
- Pigman become a heat attach
- Lorraine and John sad the are the children from Pigman (as the Police question)
- As the police was out Pigman house
- Lorraine would like begin a discussion with John
- They found the key for the house in the kitchen
- They lock up and go out (grave)
- Next day cut school and drive by bus to the hospital (to Pignati)
- John hat the hospital
- Mr Pignati is happy
- John and Lorraine should meet Bobo
- Lorraine make evening meal (spaghetti)
- John and Lorraine try to wear the Mr and Mrs Pignati cloths
- John kiss Lorraine
- Friday
- used the school telephone (aren’t allowed)
- Lorraine phone hospital
- Saturday earliest day Pigman come home
- Lorraine clean the house of Pigman
- John has bad moody
- Watch TV (film with Doris Day’s)
- Clean al the house (with out the pig room)
- John will make a party with Lorraine and friends
Pignati’s house
- Dennis coma at first
- Dennis should steal a bottle whiskey from his father (building inspector)
- Dennis bring also a soda mixers a dozen glasses
- to coma also Deanna Deas, Helen Kazinski (best girl friend from Deanna)
- Helen is very fat
- Another friend come everybody has a problem
- Jan Appling. 6 feet two inches
- they make a party with not much more than 40
- John doesn’t like when somebody tells him what he should do (garbage)
- at 10:30 Norton come furious to the party (he was not invented)
- Norton would steal a oscilloscope, but John want it prevent
- at the end Norton beat John (knocked)
- Norton crashed some the pigs from Mr. Pignati
- John punch Norton
- the Pigman came at the evening
Pignatis house, Tony’s Market, zoo
- the police came to the Pigman’s house and put John in the patrol car
- Pignati crying upstairs
- Lorraine hat John because he had Lorraine being drunk where she needs him
- Lorraine is afraid about the mother what she would do
- Policeman bring Lorraine at home
- the mother beat Lorraine in her face
- mother was very angry
- Lorraine say the truth her mother
- Lorraine would phone Pignati
- want to Tony’s Mark (Lorraine and John)
- they call Mr. Pignati
- Lorraine and John want apologize by Mr. Pignati’s
- go to the zoo
- Pignati came ten minutes later
- he looks sick
- all together would visit Bobo
- Bobo wasn’t there he is died last week
- Pigman dropped to the floor
- Pignati was dead
- all monkeys crying
- tiny monkey with yellow frames (around the eyes) look on the death Mr. Pignati
- John felt for a pulse -nothing
- John take the sunglasses from Lorraine and held it about the mouth of Pignati (was no breath to could)
- John things about Pigman death
- Many people come to Pignati and would look what happen => John hate that
- He takes the leave (Abschied)
- Lorraine and John understand better
Pigman - jeder muss dieses englische Buch in der Sekundarstufe lesen. Dies ist ein Lesetagebuch, wo Inhalt, Ort u. Zeit. Personen dargestellt werden (zu den einzelnen Kapiteln). (1409 Wörter)
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- PIGMANHallo. Schreibe am Montag ´ne KLausur über die Lektüre the Pigman!Hat sich jdm schonmal damit befasst?Brauche eine KURZE und ..
- Pigman - John charakterisierenweiß vllt jemand noch etwas über john in "the pigman" von paul zindel? will nicht noch mal bis chapter 5 lesen müssen, um die ..
- The pigmanHallo :D Schreibe morgen eine Klassenarbeit über "The Pigman" (aber nur Kapitel 1-8, unsere Lehrerin war nicht fähig mit uns, ..
- Hilfe Pigman!Hallo, wollte fragen, ob jemand die Inhaltsangabe von dem Buch Pigman Kapitel 15 hat. Finde keine im Net. Morgen Klausur!Hilfe!
- The PigmanHai C= ich habe da ein kleines Problem =( wir lesen grade in Englisch "The Pigman" und ich kapiere eigentlich sogut wie gar ..
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