Presenting a book

Presenting a book or a film in Englisch
Reading the book:
- Don't write into the book!
- Take notes while reading.
Presenting the book: Tell us about
- The title
- The autor
- The type of book (adventure story, fantasy novel, love story, historical novel, detective story)
- Why you have chosen that book
- The topic
- The plot (where? When? What? Conflict?)
- The hero/heroine and the other characters
Practicing your presentation:
- Write your presentation in your exercise book
- Ask someone to read and correct it
- Mark key words in a different colour (title, author, type of book, plot, characters...)
- Read it aloud at least three times. Check the pronunciation of words in a dictionary if you are not sure
- Then only read the words marked in a different colour and try to complete the sentences without looking at your text.
- You should practice it on at least three separate days.
- Present your book to at least two different persons
Useful expressions for your book presentation:
- ... was written by...
- The story is about...
- In.... by..., the reader is taken into... (place/time of story)
- The setting is...
- The time is...
- As the story begins...
- During
- After
- Soon afterwards
- One day/evening
- The following day
- Some time/hours/months/years later
- Meanwhile
- However
- Eventually/finally
- I can recommend this book because...
- I liked/disliked the book because
Here you find some rules how to present a book or a film (269 Wörter)
von Annonymyma
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Wenn du dieses Dokument verwendest, zitiere es bitte als: "Presenting a book",, Abgerufen 06.03.2025 15:44 Uhr
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