Writing a book review
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0 Dokumente und 2 Forumsbeiträge0 Dokumente zum Thema Writing a book review:
2 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Writing a book review:
Book review
The novel “Coming of Age”, written 1991 by Lorri Hewett, is about the life and typical racial problems in American high schools.
It was Lorri Hewett´s first book she wrote when she was 18 years old. In her opinion there was not enough fiction available which dealt with the experiences of black young adults, so she decided to writ..
Hallo hab als Hausaufgabe aufbekommen Writing a book review, nun hab ich mir das Buch Leben des Galilei von Berthold Brecht vorgenommen.
Mein ergebniss sieht bisher so aus:
English - Writing a book review
Brecht, Berthold. Leben des Galilei. Frankfurt am Main: Surkamp BasisBibiliothek 1988.
The book is a drama about Galileo Gali..